Chapter 21

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"What are you guys talking about? You seem so happy," Noah walks into the gym from outside.

"Oliver wants to invite Lily for horse riding. Would you like to come?"

"Of course."

The horse farm is located in the outskirts. The two kids put on their smart equestrian attires, ride the horses, and are led around in circles by the coaches. As they are about to pick up the pace, there is suddenly a commotion nearby. Noah goes to check and says that the mare is giving birth to a foal.

I take a shortcut through the corridor to the stable and look down, there is a the little foal soaked in wetness, struggling to stand up, with a pair of bright and splendid eyes that look like stars.

Oliver and Lily stand hand in hand, watching beside it.

I caution them to speak softly and not disturb the mare and her foal, and then go to the resting area to get lemonade for the two of them.

Today is hot, after pouring the drinks, I can't help but stand under the air conditioning for a while.

It feels so refreshing.

I close my eyes.

When I open them again, I notice that Noah is standing outside the resting area's glass door, staring at me in a daze.

"Do you want some water too?" I smile.

Noah remains stunned for a few seconds before nodding.

I put down the two cups I have prepared for the children, pick up a new one, fill it with ice water, and hand it to him.

"Macy, over the years, you seem to have not changed at all," he suddenly says.

Is he talking about my appearance?

I look down at my white linen short-sleeved shirt and grayish-green trousers.

"You look exactly the same as when I first saw you, especially your eyes," Noah continues.

Back then...Back then...

It was one afternoon, and I was delivering documents to Elliot's office. When the knocking sound came from outside, Noah drapped his coat over me. Countless rays of sunlight reflected into the glass curtain wall outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

I remain silent for several seconds.

"It's so hot outside, drink some water," I change the subject.

He drinks the water, and I avert my gaze, staring at the painting behind him.

But Noah persists, "Elliot went to Tunisia..."


Actually, the conversation has already taken a strange turn at this point. We are at the horse farm, discussing an old friend who is no longer part of my life. But I don't object.

Noah finds it difficult to articulate further, so I ask softly, "What happened to him?"

Noah ponders for a while and only says, "He goes to Tunisia every summer."

I smile, "Oh, the sea there is beautiful."

"He especially likes... the mint tea there,"

I can only smile, but I know it in my heart.

"But he still doesn't sleep very well."

I tighten my lips. "Is that so?"

Why can't he sleep well?

But all I can manage is a plain "Is that so?"

Noah looks at me for a while, then Noah and Lily run over, saying they are hungry and want to eat at McDonald's.

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