17. the confrontation between the protagonist and the villainess

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When you woke up, you were already lying on Chen Miao's bed, with a koolfever attached on your forehead. There was a bottle of water on top of the nighstand along with a plastic full of medicines such as paracetamol, aspirin, and ibuprofen. You laughed, having a vision of Chen Miao not knowing what medicines to buy at the pharmacy that he ended up buying these three. Seriously, doesn't he know that it's risky to swallow aspirin and ibuprofen together?

After a while, you then remembered your purpose of coming here.

"Hey," you turned at the chat screen. "Tell me where Chen Miao hid the transfer student."


『Who is she talking to?』


『has she gone crazy from the fever?』

『is she talking to us???』

『for a moment i had an illusion that she was talking to us lol』

You grumbled in frustration. "I am talking to you though?"



『wtf she's really talking to us?? that's so cool!』

『So the film crew finally decided to listen to our suggestion by making the actors interact with their viewers? Nice!』

『is she really an npc? are you sure she isn't an actor in disguise?』

『wait wait does that mean kai too can interact with us ♡♡♡』

『not to burst your bubble but your kai right now is held hostage and his current condition is unknown』

『husband (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)』

The fact that they were literally ignoring your demand irked you for some reason. After all, they claimed to love someone, calling him husband yet didn't even prioritise his safety first? They could at least tell you where his whereabout first instead of having this needless chatters.

As you were about to get mad, the door swung open and you saw Chen Miao peeking in, a look of relief on his face.

"Thank goodness you woke up," he went to check your temperature with his hand. "I have already bought medicines but you need to eat something first before taking them. What do you want to eat?"

You glanced at the chat screen; the minority was critisizing Chen Miao for his, uh, villainy but the majority was romaticizing the both of you.

『i would like it better if he checked her temperature using forehead to forehead♡』

You almost choke on your spit imagining that honestly.

"Actually, I'm craving something sweet and cold," you sighed pretentiously, as if you were really yearning to eat that. "Can you buy me a popsicle?"

He gave you a disapproving look.

"I will eat a proper meal, I promise, but for some reason, I really feel like eating a popsicle," you mimicked the way he pursed his lips when he told you not to visit Kai. "Will you buy it for me, Ah Miao?"

His cheeks faintly turned into a color of pink as he sighed, submitting to your coquettish way of coaxing him. "Whaー What flavor do you want?"

"Hmm, what would you recommend?"

"Strawberry or honey lemon."

Were those his favorite flavors perhaps? You smiled. "Then please buy those two flavors. One for you and one for me. We can try them together."

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