Everyone Hates Me (Rafe Cameron)

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You are at the Cameron's house.

"Hey Sarah!" you say. "Heyyy. Come on in." Sarah says. You walk in and follow Sarah to the living room. "So how have you been?" Sarah as you. "I've been great. What about you?" you ask her. "I've been better, me and John B got into an argument." she tells you. "Oh I'm sorry Sar." you say. "It's fine." Sarah says. "Hey! Enough moping around, let's go do something fun!" you say. "Okayyy. Like what?" she ask. "We could go shopping? Or go down to The Wreck  and get something to eat?" you say. "That sounds fun. Let's do both!" Sarah says. "Okay!" you say.

As you and Sarah are about to leave Wheezie comes over to y'all. "Hey Sarah." Wheezie says sounding sick. "Hey sneezie." Saraj says. "Stop calling me that." Wheezie says. Sarah laughs a little. "Can you take me to the doctors? I don't feel so good." Wheezie ask Sarah. "Can't Rose take you? Me and Y/N were about to head out." Sarah as her sister. "I asked and she said she was busy with all the new house listings." Wheezie says. "Ugh okay fine I'll take you." Sarah says. "Okay thank you." she says. "I'm sorry Y/N, we can go shopping when I get back. It should only take like an hour or two." Sarah says. "Yeah I get it. Go ahead. Feel better Wheeze." you tell her. "Thanks Y/N." Wheezie says. Sarah and Wheezie leave so it's just you in the house along with Rose, and knowing her she's probably not gonna leave her office.

You are sitting at the kitchen island scrolling through your phone when the door opens. "Sarah your back alre-" you say as you turn around and see Rafe. "Not Sarah." you say. "Correct." Rafe says. You and Rafe have always had sort of a weird relationship. Both of think that the other person is attractive but you guys both don't really like each other that well. Rafe takes off his jacket and sets his keys down. "Where did Sarah go?" Rafe ask you looking in the fridge. "She went to take Wheezie to the doctors." you say looking at your phone. Rafe grabs a bottle of water and closes the fridge. You look up and make eye contact with Rafe. You notice he has a slight bruise on his cheek. "Rafe what happened?" you ask him. "Oh nothing." Rafe says. "Rafe. Tell me. Who did that?" you ask. "Pope. Me and him got in a fight." Rafe says. "Why do you always have to get in fights with people?" you ask. "I don't know, I just do, okay." Rafe says and walks over to the couch. You follow him and sit next to him. "That's not a good enough answer." you say. Rafe scoffs. "Everyone hates me." he says. "Why does everyone hate you so much?" you ask him. Rafe turns his head around and shakes his head not talking. You put your hand on his face to turn his head. "You can tell me." you say. Rafe still stays silent with your hand still on his face. "Just tell me whenever you feel like it, okay?" you say. You remove your hand. "No, it's fine." Rafe says. "So?" you ask. "I do drugs." Rafe admits. "What? That's it? Almost every kook does drugs." you say. Rafe hesitates. "No, it's not." Rafe says. "Oh." you say. Rafe looks at you and vegans speaking. "I've always wanted to prove myself to my dad. I've stolen, I've done some bad things." Rafe says looking away from you. "For what exact reason?" you ask him. "Just to get him to be proud of me." Rafe says sadly. "Rafe..." you say. Rafe looks at you with a sad expression. "Come here." you say pressing your forehead against his. "Rafe. Listen to me. You don't have to do bad things for your dad to be proud of you." you say. "But that's the only way he notices me." Rafe says. You and him remove y'all's contact. You bring him into a hug. "Whenever I do something for him, I always end up hurting someone else in the end. Then he'll tell me thank you for protecting him...but then if I try to have a normal conversation with him he flips out and then we get into a physical argument." Rafe rants. You rub your hand on his head. "I'm so sorry Rafe." you say. "He always shows emotion to Sarah and he's actually a father towards her, but with me...it's like he only sees me as a business partner or something. He always chooses Sarah in the end." Rafe says. "Oh Rafe. Your dad is an asshole but you don't have to seek his validation to feel loved and if you feel like you do, then that's not a dad." you say. "Yeah..." he says. "Why don't you just leave? Because every time you come back here you always seem...not happy." you say. "Trust me, I would like to but if I go to Barry's my cocaine addiction gets worse, since it's always available." Rafe says. You hesitate for a minute. "Why don't you come live with me?" you ask not believing you just said that. "No, no I can't do that to you. What would your parents say?" Rafe says. "My parents are out of town for a month so you can live with me for now, and when they return I'll just tell them the truth, and besides they can't kick you out if you've already been living there." you say. "I guess you're right. Thank you." Rafe says. "Of course." you say. Rafe smiles. "Why don't you go upstairs and pack?" you say. "Okay." Rafe says. "When you're done we will take your stuff to my place." you say. Rafe nods. "Wait don't you have to hangout with Sarah?" Rafe ask. "Oh yeah...I'll just tell her I had an emergency." you say. "Okay." Rafe says.

Rafe finishes up packing his clothes and stuff. "You ready?" you ask him. "Yup." Rafe says. He throws his bag in the back of your car. "Where are you going?" you ask as you see him walking away from the car. "I'm riding my dirt bike there." Rafe says. "Okay." you say. You start up your car and back out of the drive way. Rafe follows behind you going towards your house.

You guys arrive. "I'll take the couch." Rafe says. "No Rafe, I can't have you do that." you say. "We have a guest room." you say. "Okay I'll sleep in there." he says. You and him walk upstairs to the room. You take him in the room and you notice that the light doesn't turn on. "Seriously." you say. "I'll just sleep on the couch. It's no big deal." Rafe says. "Why don't you sleep in my bed?" you ask. "But then where will you sleep?" Rafe ask. He can't he this dumb. "In my bed silly." you say. "So we'll sleep together?" Rafe ask. "Yeah, if that's okay?" you ask. "Yeah, yeah, it's okay. Thanks." Rafe says. Rafe follows behind you to your room. "You can just set your bag wherever." you say. "Okay." he nods and sets it on your chair in your room. "Thanks again for letting me crash." he says. "It's no problem. I can't imagine what you're going through. So I'm happy to help." you say. Rafe smiles.

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