9|Not the End

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Elianna's POV

I took in all the air I could as he finally let me go to punch Sebastian.

Sebastian swayed away from him and held him still. "Enzo, you need to relax. Why don't you go fix the old engine outside?"

Enzo was still angry. "No, I think I'd rather kill her instead."

He turned to me before starting to head my way. Sebastian grabbed him again.

"I found the paper in his car and I'm going to get rid of him but only him. You shouldn't have two dead bodies in your office. Just go and fix the engine."

He slowly let Enzo go and Enzo did stormed out.

"Are you okay?" he asked me and I couldn't open my mouth to say anything.

I wanted to go home. I wanted to go back to papa's mansion and cry in his arms.

"I wasn't going to kill you. I just wanted to know how far he'd let me go."

I stood in my position shivering and not daring to answer him.

He stretched out his hand. "I'm Sebastian. Well, you can call me Seb."


He slowly lowered his hand. "Sorry I didn't introduce myself at the wedding. As you can see, Enzo gave me a job so I couldn't make it. I'm starting to think he did that on purpose because he knew I would do something like that."

I started to look at the door. I wasn't too far away from it. Maybe I could make it. These people were crazy.

"I'm his best friend," he said. "I meant this when I said I wasn't going to kill you, you're family now. Enzo on the other hand is a little unpredictable."

I looked up to him.

Thanks for not killing me? Is that what he wanted me to say?

How is this normal to any of them?

I looked back on the doors.

I can make it.

"Don't run," he said before I looked back to him. "I'm trying to help you but if you don't want it, I'm not going to stop you from leaving."

I looked at him once more before walking to the door.

Once I reached it, I stopped and looked over my shoulder. "Speak."

"Oh so she does talk," he joked and I started to turn the knob. "Wait! Just listen to what Enzo says. He tries not to act he's worse than me but he is. I've seen him do some messed up stuff even for me when he's angry. From the looks of what he just did to you, he won't hesitate to do them. You won't be lucky all the time. No one else will try to stop him except me."

I let go of the door handle and walked back to him. "I don't care who he is or what he can do. I will not allow him to control me like he does to all of you."

"Elianna, my best friend was going to kill you. He's heartless like that. We've known each other from since we were twelve and not once had he call me his best friend. You seem nice and I'd hate to see you die for a silly reason."

"Thanks but I don't need your help," I said as I looked down at the lifeless man's body. "Especially from a murderer."

With that, I left the room.

On my way down the hallway, I looked out the window and saw him fixing that stupid old car.

I opened the bedroom door and headed straight to the shower.

I felt so dirty.

I just sat down and mindlessly allowed the water to run all over me. I didn't want to think about anything. I just wanted the water to run on me.

It lasted for a good twenty minutes or so but I wouldn't know because he took away my damn phone.

I hated him. I hated Enzo so much to the point where I wanted to kill before he kills me. I'm going to kill him even if I'd be called a murderer.

He doesn't deserve to live. He is a danger to the society, a ticking time bomb ready to just kill people.

He didn't hesitate and all I saw was pure evil in his eyes.

If there was something good in him, it was gone now. To the point of no return.

I blame papa. How could he allow his princess to marry such a monster?

Maybe he didn't know how bad Enzo was.

It had to be that. My papa would never put me in harms way just because he wanted to make sure he was given a fair deal.

I came out the bathroom with my towel wrapped around me and went to the closet.

I dropped the towel and put on my pajamas. It was still a bit earlier than the time I usually go to sleep but I didn't want to see him.

I officially couldn't stand him.

I want to move out.

Plenty of actual couples live separate and they are fine. We're not even an actually couple and none of us like the other so we'll be fine.

When I stepped out the closet, he just shut the bedroom door behind him.

I stood up and waited for him to at least apologize for trying to choke me to death but the apology never came.

Instead, he decided to ignore my presence and carry on with his life.

I decided to do the same so I continued to dry my hair with my towel.

When I was finished, I went on the bed while he was at his work desk doing God knows what. He was probably trying to count all the people he'd murdered.

What I didn't understand is why he needed three work desks in this house.

"I am going back to my papa's."

He ignored me and continued doing what he was doing.

I looked up to the roof and used all the strength I had not to shout right now.

I took a deep breath. "Enzo, I am trying to be an adult here and have a civilized conversation with you."

He sighed as he continued to read and write. "You're not going."

I laughed. "You can't tell me what to do."

"I can and I will. You're not going anywhere."

I scoffed before getting out of the bed. "In fact, I will pack my suitcase right now."

"Go ahead," he said and I raised my eyebrow. "I will drop you myself and tell your father that this marriage is not working out and I will bring your brother to work for me. I'll then give him a slow and painful death and maybe even kill the girlfriend if I am up to it. Don't worry, I'll make sure you stay alive so you can remember it for the rest of your sorry life."

I started to feel weak in the knees.

He is sick.

He said all those terrible things with a straight face.

"You need help," I said.

"No, I think I like being just the way I am, wife," he said before looking at his watch. "If you're still going to your father's place, you better hurry up. I don't like driving in the night."

"I hope you go to hell," I said with tears in my eyes.

"Don't plan on going anywhere else."

My fingers rolled into fist as anger submerged into my body. My anger quickly turned into tears and I ran back to the bed and put the pillow over my head.

This can't be the end. There has to be another way.

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