Chapter Ten

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The day had passed at an easy pace, a gentle breeze compared to the shrieking winds or still air Camilla had been used to. It was as if she was finally at peace with her life, with Alicent and Rhaenyra back by her side she could face anything the Gods threw her way.

Alicent had spent the day with Camilla, helping to tend to her friend's children. Entertaining the twins with toys and books while their mother cared for her two youngest. Aegon was a difficult babe, always crying when he wasn't near his mother. He clung to Camilla, screaming whenever she tried to put him down. The only respite Camilla got was when he slept, which was less frequent now that Helaena had been born. The youngest princess wailed at all hours of the day, no matter what Camilla or the nursemaids tried. The maesters seemed to think she was just a fussy babe, and that she would calm as she grew.

As the sun set nursemaids entered the Queen's chambers, picking up the young princes and princesses. Camilla kissed each of her children goodnight as they were carried from her rooms, leaving Alicent and Camilla alone.

Camilla thought that with the children gone Alicent would follow, finding no reason to spend more time with her. Though the older girl surprised her when she poured two glasses of wine and sat down on the settee, motioning for Camilla to join her. Her heart swelled as she sat beside Alicent. The two women sipped the sweet wine in a comfortable silence.

"My father," Alicent began, leaning forward in her seat to refill her cup. "He has secured a betrothal for me. I knew he was searching, but I-I didn't think it would come so soon."

"Have you met him?" Camilla asked, turning in her seat to better face Alicent.

"Not truly. He attended the hunt so I saw him, but we did not have the chance to speak."

"Will you tell me his name?"

Alicent hesitated, staring off into the distance. "I fear if I speak it it will become real."

"What of his house?"

"It is wealthy and powerful, my father says I could not hope for a better match."

"Does Rhaenyra know?"

Alicent shook her head, flexing her fingers to restrain herself from picking at her skin. "I fear what she would say."

"It'd be best coming from you," Camilla whispered, grabbing Alicent's hand. "We've always known the day would come when we were forced apart, sent across the continent to our husbands' castles. She might be upset, but she could never be angry with you."

Camilla stared at Alicent, her chest ached as her heart broke. She had just gotten Alicent and Rhaenyra back, and now Alicent would be sent away. Camilla wished she could do something, she was Queen after all, the most powerful woman in the realm, and yet she couldn't even save her friend.

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