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The heat spilling from the restaurant was staggering after the walk in the freezing evening, and so was the music and loud chatter of Lino's guests.

The restaurant was full; the small town with its spa and the Christmas related events happening in the castle attracted loads of tourists.

"Is the hotel full too?" Nora asked as Martin helped her out of her coat and left it along with his on a hanger by the door, before they were escorted by one of Lino's waiters to their table, the same one as the last time.

"It is, fully booked until mid-January," he replied, pulling a chair out for her, then whispered in her ear, making her blush, "You look wonderful tonight."

He sat down opposite of her even as the waiter returned with the unordered bottle of red wine and two menus.

He did, too, look wonderful, dressed in a grey cashmere jumper, the white collar half hidden by his raven hair hinting at a shirt he wore underneath. He always did look wonderful...

She dropped her eyes and picked up her menu quickly to hide another blush, forgetting to put her glasses on, looking at him, perplexed, when he pulled it away, chuckling.

"No way. No more hiding. You always hid behind your books in the past. Let me see you now, please."

"You... you are making me blush! And I'm too old for blushing..."

She didn't get to finish her line before he leaned towards her over the small table and kissed her, scattering her thoughts, making her blush deepen the moment he pulled away.

"There. Now I've given you a reason to blush-- everybody's looking at us."

Nora sighed, a single look cast around the restaurant sufficed to confirm his words. Most of the guests seated at the multitude of tables and waiters gathered at a long bar situated across the room, next to the entrance to the kitchen, looked away quickly when they noticed her eyes on them. Of course, all of Lino's employees would know him, and the hotel guests, who made up most of Lino's clientele, too... She sighed again; getting used to Martin's 'fame' in this little town would take some time, like so many of his other... complications. But she could do this; Martin was worth it.

"Welcome, Nora, Martin," a voice whose owner Nora hadn't noticed approaching their table, startled her.

"Hi, Lino," she said, looking up at Lino to whom she hadn't been officially introduced but who felt like an old friend nonetheless.

He winked at her, and in Nora's mind, the wink was loaded with meaning. Magdalena must have spoken to him, and Martin, and now... he seemed to be happy to see her with his friend.

She felt her cheeks heating up again but held his look bravely, squeezing Martin's fingers tighter in hers-- she hadn't realised they were holding hands again over the table, the gesture having become as natural as breathing.

"I'll have..." Food was the last thing on Nora's mind; she wasn't hungry at all. She was here to spend an evening with Martin and talk to him.

As if he could read her mind, or at least perceive her confusion, Martin squeezed her hand, claiming her attention, while Lino filled their glasses with wine. "Lino makes the best Spaghetti al Nero di Seppia I have ever eaten."

"All right, the Squid Ink Pasta for me, then," Nora smiled at Lino.

"I'll have the same. Thank you, Lino, and thanks for the table," Martin told his friend.

"My pleasure. Have a great evening." Lino smiled at both of them before he rushed towards the next table.

Nora lifted her wine-filled glass once he was gone, pressing its thin, transparent side to Martin's before she drank, trying to school her thoughts into obedience and form questions. They were here to talk.

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