Chapter 21 ❥

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It was nearly Christmas, my favourite time of year I loved the lights and the cute little festivities and the big celebrations and this year it all felt tied together spending it with somebody that I loved and who loved me

When I blurted out that I loved Leah it was awkward for a moment before she quickly followed up that she loved me just as much which was the biggest weight lifted off my shoulders and made my life all the more sweet

Me and Leah had tried to plan are Christmas together so we would both be able to spend time with are families but also together so currently it was around 3 days before Christmas, 12am and we were in Leah's apartment watching Christmas movies and decorating

"I hate to be a grinch but untangling Christmas lights isn't exactly my favourite pastime" Leah said from the place on the floor where she sat

"well the gold lights aren't tangled but you don't want them" I said as I made hot chocolates in her kitchen

"Yea but it doesn't match the decorations on the tree" Leah responded

"You keep telling yourself that" I said as I set the hot chocolate in front of her and sat on her sofa and watched the movie on the tv

"Well your not exactly helping sat there" she teased

"I literally single handedly put the Christmas tree up" I argued

"Bella come on the tree is practically the same height as you" she replied sitting next to me on the sofa discarding the Christmas lights

"Yea but I'm a tall girl" I huffed

"One that actually proves my point and Two Bella your not that tall"

"I'm taller than you" I retaliated

"Your not" she responded

"I am" I said as looked at Leah as she looked at me and then stood up "what are you doing"

"Stand up" she said

"Fine" I giggled as I stood up, Leah turned my body so I was standing with my back to her and she stood close to me with her back turned and reached her hand above are heads to see who was taller

"See my head is way above yours" she said gloating

"Ok one your exaggerating and whatever I don't care" I said sitting back down

"Oh come on don't go in a mood now"

"I'm not" I said very clearly in a mood

"Do you want your present" she bribed

This present had been the topic of discussion since the beginning of December Leah had told me about this present she had gotten me and she had been raving about like it must of been the greatest thing since sliced bread and I was desperate to know what it was before Christmas

"Your really gonna give it me" I said painting a wide grin on my face

"Will you come out of your mood"

"Yep" I nodded eagerly

"Okay fine" she said walking towards her bedroom and coming back a minute later with a small looking present

"This little thing is what you've been raving about for like a month" I said as she handed it to me

"Just open grumpy"

As I was opening the small package it seemed the more I ripped open the more wrapping was being unveiled

"Leah have you literally got me a ball of wrapping paper" I laughed

"If you don't open it in the next 5 seconds I will" she replied

"Okay okay" I said as I kept opening the present when I finally got to a small looking box

Stage one. Panic

I fully took the small box out of the wrapping and examined it not daring to look at Leah as I was in full fledged panic

"Don't you think it's a little cliche to get engaged at Christmas" I laughed nervously

"It's not an engagement ring you donut" she laughed

Stage two. Relief

"Then what is it" I said as I opened the small box which presented the rings

Stage 3. Confusion

"There promise rings" she responded as she gently took the rings from my hands and took one out "look it says on the front promise and on the inside it says always and on the other it says promise on the front as well but forever on the inside" she explained

Stage 4. Awwwww

I looked at leah as she put the rings back in my hand, my eyes became glossy with tears no one had ever done something so nice for me in my life

"Do you not like it" she asked with concern in her voice

"Leah I love it" I said putting the ring that said always on the inside onto my finger and gave Leah the one that said forever as she slipped hers on

I leaned over a hugged the blonde tightly as I felt overwhelmingly happy and probably crying

"Don't cry it's supposed to be happy" Leah giggled

"I am happy" I said smiling

"I love you" she said

"I love you too" I responded pulling away from are hug

"Always" she said in a questioning tone

I laughed at how cheesy she was "forever" I responded

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now