Chapter 17 - Love

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Chapter 17


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The minute you saw that look on her face you just knew you were f-cked up. You knew no matter how much you would beg her and cry for her to stop, she wouldn't, not until you'd tell her what she wanted to hear.

"What are you waiting for? Go on, go back to him."

Her words was contradictory in itself. She was telling you to go back to him, while holding down your feet, unabling you from doing any movement.

You couldn't even move a single bit without feeling the rocks piercing into your knees. It was even worst that you were kneeling onto them and sitting on top of your legs. You were sure that by the end, it would be all bloodied.

"I never said I wanted to go back to him," You hissed, trying hard not to move or add any more pressure onto your knees.

"Then why do you keep denying our love?" She held your face into her hands before giving you a gentle kiss on the forehead, "I love you Raquelle. We both love you so much."



That was what they claimed they felt for you. That was what lead them to almost drowning you and physically hurt you. That was what they called loving. This fanatical overwhelming feeling.

How could she call this love?

If she really did love you, she would have never hurt you in the first place. Love didn't hurt. At least not physically. It didn't take a genius to understand that.

"You call this loving?" You looked up at her dumbfoundedly, "This isn't loving Barbie, it is obsession."

"No, It is love," she insisted before holding you tightly into her arms, "I knew it from the moment I saw you Raquelle. You were made for us. We love you."

You couldn't breath in her arms. You were suffocating. Everytime she'd whisper some words into your ears, it felt like you were trying to breath under water. It burned your inside like acid, and left you with an indelible scar.

She looked back into your eyes, before placing another kiss on your forehead and letting you go. She tried to get you up onto your feet, but you were quickly to abandoned this idea when you felt the rocks that had been stuck in the now dried blood, ripping themselves off your knees.

"Shi- I don't think I can-," You hissed before holding onto Barbie tightly while trying not to worsen the wound. "I can't walk like that, sorry."

You couldn't even stand straight by fear of the wound opening again. You felt like it would tore at any quick movement.

Barbie looked down at your knee that was profusely bleeding before giving you a small understanding smile.

"Don't worry, Ken will take you back home to get you treated," she tucked a strand of your hair at the back of your ear before Ken appeared behind her and took you into his arms.

Of course Ken would appear this quickly. I mean there was no Ken without Barbie. Wherever Barbie was, Ken was too, and that also meant that whenever you were, Ken was here too.

He always knew really well how to follow people without them noticing, but with you, it was like he wanted you to notice he was watching.

The first time you noticed that was two days after your arrival here. You were eating at a restaurant next to the beach, when you noticed someone sitting behind you, ordering the same exact thing you ordered.

At first, you'd brushed it off as paranoia. Because there was just no way someone would stalk you here. I mean it was Barbieland, who would even think about stalking someone in a place where love and joy were the only thing that existed.

But obviously, you were wrong.

You didn't know how sick and twisted this world was. How more dangerous it was, compared to the real world. Because a world filled of only love and joy, meant no punishment if there was really a crime, which meant that anybody could do anything to you without paying for the consequences.

Ken was one of them. He was the scariest one of the two, because you never actually knew what he would or could do. He always did whatever Barbie told him, and always laid low. That was what was frightening about him. He knew way too well how to play pretend.

"Here you go," Ken put you down onto your bed as you gentle pulled yourself up and sat down with an annoyed sigh.

"When is Nurse Barbie coming?" You looked up at him tiredly

"She'll be here in a few minutes. Barbie went to get her, I'm sure she won't be long," he said before running a hand through your hair, "You'll be fine, I'm sure your knees will be better in no time."

"You should've helped me then," You looked up at him annoyedly "If you knew this was going to happen you should've helped me, when you saw her dragging me there."

"So you would've went back running to this guy? No, I don't think so."

He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before exiting your room, leaving you alone with a swollen bruised knee.

You didn't know what to do anymore. You couldn't move, couldn't escape, couldn't do anything yourself. The only thing you could do was wait for them.

You knew they would love this. For you to depend on them fully. That was what they wanted the most in their life. They wanted you to belong to them and them only. You depending on them, just made it so easy for them to keep you here.

𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 & 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora