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"Alright Callie, could you send me the files on that warehouse in downtown Chicago?"

I slid into my seat, sipping on the coffee I got from Emile's while the buzz of the department filled me with a sense of familiarity.

"On it."

I flashed her a smile as I passed by her cubicle that was a little separate from the rest of us.

Callie, one of my three team members, was our intelligence analyst. The woman was quick on her feet and had an even sharper mind. Since my team was the best in the Chicago branch, I had the pleasure of working with her for the past three years since she was transferred here.

"Did you see her, Rex?" Finn slid his swivel chair towards me, eyes twinkling.

The question instantly reminded me of a pair of multi-color eyes I'd never before seen. I shook my head, distorting the disturbingly attractive image of my gorgeous neighbour I'd had merely two encounters with.

But I couldn't deny that she knew how to make an impression. Deadly beauty paired with a sharp tongue, she spelled out trouble.

I rose a nonchalant brow, "Who?" I didn't spare him a glance as I catalogued the new data Callie just sent over. Besides, Finn would talk even if I wasn't interested.

"The new addition to the office. Not sure which team she's assigned to but hot-damn she's a banger." He whistled low.

Someone hit Finn with a file and I saw Zeke slide into his own seat. "Don't objectify her." Then he paused sheepishly, "But yeah she's gonna turn the office upside down for a bit. Guarantee."

Finn gave him a droll look. I snickered. Callie walked over to our group and Finn cursed. "Damnit, why's Callie coming over?"

"Because she's a part of the team?" Zeke drawled.

Callie would give Finn a piece of her mind if she got wind of his interest in a co-worker. In other words, jealousy would be coming out to play. And Finn very much liked his handsome face to stay intact even if he kept acting like he didn't know how Callie felt.

I closed the spreadsheet and leaned back in my chair, looking at my team as they gathered. Folding my arms over my chest, I saw how every other team was gathering too.

"Maddox wanted every team to gather. Something about an introduction and an addition to the department. Someone new is coming." Her opening line was like usual, to the point as she gave Finn a condescending once over. "Don't act like a horn-dog because she's a female."

Finn blinked innocently. "Who? Me??" He looked away, "I would never."

Zeke and I met each other's eyes and snorted in amusement. Even Callie rolled her eyes.

I was a bit curious now though. Our department had a few openings and my own team needed a forensic photographer since our guy had to relocate. It'd been almost a month and posed difficulties having to put triple the workload on a different team's photographer.

Out of the 12 teams here, 6 each had a forensic photographer and data analyst. But they also had to manage the other 6 team's work.

"Let's see." I nudged towards the entrance to the office where Maddox had just entered. "Boss is here."

"And so is she." A dreamy sigh escaped Finn and then he grunted when Callie stepped on his foot.

Shaking my head at their amusing but childish antics, I followed the line of sight and looked at a very familiar figure. My eyes trailed up her black wedge heels to the tailored pantsuit she was wearing. Her curves were still fully wielded like a weapon and every male gazed at her appreciatively. The picture of professionalism with a camera strung around her neck, my breath-taking neighbour stood with a pleasant smile in front of the whole room.

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