22 | permanent reminders

770 53 16

As soon as we walk into the diner, I feel like I'm walking into another era. The air is thick with the sounds of clinking silverware, the scent of coffee brewing, and the hum of conversations.

I've only been here a couple of times over the years, but there's something about Shelly's that sticks with you. It's the kind of place that's so full of character that even a glimpse through the window is enough to leave an imprint on your memory.

The walls are painted in pastel colors that remind me of watercolor sunrises, the booths are upholstered in weathered vinyl, and the tables are decked out in sky-blue checkered tablecloths. It's definitely got that quintessential California 'retro beachy' vibe going for it.

We snag a free table next to a framed vintage-style poster of Jaws and I can't help but linger on the odd choice. That's one way to keep people from wanting to venture outside for a swim.

"What's wrong?" I ask Nate as we sit. There's a clear look of annoyance swept over his face.

"My booth's taken," he says, nodding to the window.

"Your booth?"

"Yes." He folds his arms on the table. "My booth."

"Is your name on it?"

"No, but my ass has probably left a permanent dent in there by now."

"I don't think ass dents qualify for reserving booths," I chime, opening my menu.

Nate doesn't open his, but he makes a point to glare at the people in his booth as if they're hogging his favorite slide on the playground.

He eventually lets out a grumbly sigh. "So what are you getting?"

"I really wanted French toast, but the breakfast window is closed, so..."

"Order the cheeseburger."

"I don't want a cheeseburger."

He reaches over and flips my menu closed. "Just order it."

I frown at his bossiness, but the spark in his eye doesn't flicker one bit. The waitress comes over and he turns his attention to her. The name tag pinned to her uniform says Cora.

"Nate! Hey." She smiles brightly. "Sorry about your booth."

"It's all good. Not like it has my name on it or anything."

"You guys ready to order?" She takes out her notepad, following Nate's watch on me.

"Yeah, I'll have a black coffee and... a cheeseburger."

She jots it down, turning her back on me. Behind her short brown ponytail, a tattoo of a flower is peeking from under the collar of her dress. She looks a little older, maybe in college, but that's not stopping her from gazing at Nate with pulsing hearts for eyes.

"I'll have a chocolate shake, and the French toast."

Her pen stops, and she clutches the notepad like she's about to break the worst news in the world. "We stopped breakfast after twelve."

"I know," Nate says through a sheepish smile. "Thought I'd try to sneak it in there, but—"

Cora waves her hand. "You totally can. I'll have that whipped up, no problem."

"You sure?"


He holds his chest. "You're the best."

Her cheeks turn rosy, and she gives his shoulder a soft touch before she dashes off to put the orders in.

I slowly shake my head. "You just have everyone wrapped around your finger, don't you?"

In Waves | ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat