𝐱𝐢𝐱. jade rings and jade eyes

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Midnight Rain
- jade rings and jade eyes



He's taller than she expected.

The sky is shrouded in the ever present Gotham dark sky but the air is sticky and humid. The grass beneath her feet flattens as she walks towards the figure. Like a celestial dancer, his jade-ring clad finger taps against his bronzed toned forearm, ensnaring the moonlight in a radiant embrace. Dark strands of hair, untamed and tousled, form a winding labyrinth around the nape of his neck, akin to ivy growing against stone.

If Blake's ego wasn't so high she might've been more insecure to meet his hard gaze. Luckily for her, she's an only child. Damian 's eyes reveal nothing as he walks towards her, Titus falling obediently behind him with his ears raised excitedly.

When he stops a few feet away from her Titus continues until he's jumped up on her with his paws reaching her shoulders. She scratches his head and pets his fur with a squeal, "Hi baby, how are you? Aren't you just the cutest thing."

Damian stares at the sight dumbfounded. Titus was never like this. He was obedient and trusted no one, he was more like Damian then Damian was. But here he was jumping and panting on a total stranger like she's 'a shiny new chew toy for him to enjoy.

Blake laughs when Titus finally lands back on the floor, she kneels down to continue her gentle coos and vigorous petting, muttering sweet nothings to the usually jaded dog.

Damian feels his chest tighten at the sight. He must have the flu, he'll have Alfred check him when he gets home.

Blake is in a baggy gray sweatshirt and beige cargo pants. He tries not to wince at her fashion sense and tugs his own jacket closer to his body. Despite her lack of style, Damian finds himself entranced by her. Waist length hair drapes down her back like rolling carmel. Her eyes are dark and cat-like with smudgy orange eyeshadow and uneven eyeliner. Her lips are heart-shaped and glossy like a raindrop. Damian's eyes linger on them longer than he means to.

Finally breaking from her dog-loving haze Blake looks at him with a dimpled smile, taking his phone from her pocket and waving it. "Looking at something Damian?" Her teasing backs his eyes jump back to her eyes and he feels hot all over for some reason.

"You're eyeliner is uneven." He states simply. She makes a face at his comment but the grimace turns into a smile when she sees her phone.

"Cindy!" She cheers, racing over and snatching it from his hand. Her pale skin grazes him and she feels a shiver roll up her neck, from his subtle shiver she knows he felt it too. He snaps his hand back after taking his own phone.

He makes a clicking noise with his tongue at her excitement, but his lips tilt up, "I don't understand your attachment to that barely functional hunk of metal."

Blake rolls her eyes, "It was my mom's phone." The sadness laced in her undertone is undermined by her bright eyes. Damian's eyes soften. "Is this the ring your mom gave you?"

The pure jade ring hasn't left his finger since he was twelve. Several silver rings lay on his fingers and knuckles but none compare to the green ring glimmering off the barely-there sun. He's stunned by her bluntness, he's used to people dancing around the topic of his past and his mother. Interviewers are ordered not to mention his unknown past and his brothers don't try to broach the topic often.

"Yes, it is."

Damian for some reason doesn't mind her asking.

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