𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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Chase's pov
Did I purposely try and get Daniella a detention? Fuck yes.

She's never had a detention. She obviously needed one before high school ended. She will be thanking me in her college years.

She wouldn't want to be known as the girl who never got a detention, right?.

Right now we are all sitting in her living room. It was now Thursday and the week was almost over, my birthday was in 3 weeks.

I was throwing a party a few days after my birthday, and invited the whole senior year.

I keep purposely bumping into Daniella as I know it gets her mad. "Chase! Stop being annoying" I smirk at her.

It's just so funny to see her mad, she gets mad over the smallest things ever.

"I'm not being annoying, it's not my fault." I definitely was being annoying, and it was for sure my fault.

"Whatever, just stop" She rolled her eyes. I chuckle to myself softly as I continue to watch the movie on the tv.

I don't trust that 'Matt' guy or whatever. He don't seem like a good person. Who goes up to a girl and asks for their number?

"Chase" Levi calls out to me. "Yeah?" I get up from where I'm sitting and grab a drink from the kitchen.

Downing half of the water bottle I head back to the living room. "What?" I ask again annoyed because he never answered me.

"I forgot what I was going to say.." I roll my eyes at him. "I'll tell you when I remember" He shrugged it off.

Daniella's pov

Chase was getting on my last nerve today! He kept on purposely bumping into me, then he accidentally spilled his drink on me.

Then tripped me! He's just being so annoying today!

I head downstairs as I had to change, because of chase. I swear he just loves dumping stuff on me.

"Finally your back, we are going to the mall" Levi got up rushing to the door. I slide on my white platform converse.

Everyone had to somehow fit in the back. I was squished up against Chase and he kept poking me.

"Stop." I hit his hand. "I'm not doing anything!" He defended. "Yes you are, you're poking me!" I yelled at him.

He just gave me a dirty look

Not even 5 minutes later he started poking me again. "Chase! Cut it out." I shove him away. It barley did anything because I was so squished up next to him.

Trying to fit 8 muscular big guys in a small car was definitely not the right thing to do, at all.

Once I see the mall I basically jump out of the car, finally being able to breathe. "What store first? I have $3000 so I'm going sugar daddy you all for today" Levi smiles.

"Bet, let's go you're buying me some new clothes" I pull Levi by the sleeve of his shirt as I started skipping my way to forever 21.

I grab a new pair of Ripped jeans that were the lightest shade of blue. The rips at the thighs on the left side, and rips at my knee on the right.

I then pick out a new sweater.

I grab the bag happily as Levi payed the cashier. Levi basically looked rich because it was all mostly 1's, 5's, 10's, and 20's.

"Thank you my favorite brother ever" I give him a big hug. "What about me." Theo whined. "You are too" i ruffle his hair

Jayden brings his arm around my shoulder dragging me to somewhere else.  I see Matt walking over to us.

Oh my god. Matt is walking over here, I probably look like a mess.

"Hey, Daniella" He gave me a small side hug and a smile. "Hi!" I greet excitedly. "Who's this?" Jayden asked.

"Oh this is Matt." I let them greet as I see the others walk over here as well. "Oh hey my sisters new boyfriend, wassup!" Levi said excitedly to Matt.

"Hey" They did a quick 'bro' hug. "Can I steal Dani for a few minutes?" He asked the boys. "Sure go ahead, don't keep her to long though." Dylan said.

I give them a quick wave.

He sits me down at the table. "So Dani, we have been talking for the past few days, and I think you're an amazing person, your funny, your pretty, and I think you're the person for me. So would you want to to be my girlfriend?" He confessed which left me speechless.

"Of course I would!" I give him a hug. He chuckled in relief after I hugged him. "Great let's go tell the others, yeah?" He took my hand and intertwined it with his.

I smile once we reach the boys. "Dani is my girlfriend." Matt spoke up. "That's great!" Levi gave us a big teddy bear hug.

Chase sent dirty glares at Matt the whole time.

Well that's rude.

"Let's go back home" Jayden dragged me in head of the others, again. "Sooo you like him?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Yes, we have been talking for the past few days on the phone and stuff and he is really nice." I smile at him.

"That's great, D. I hope he treats you right." He dragged me closer to him, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Thank you" I wrap my arm around his back because I couldn't reach his shoulders. We got to the car and I groan realizing I'll be even more squished because of Matt joining as well.

half way on the way home, Chase started purposely bumping his leg into mine, at first I didn't care because the road was bumpy but now he's doing it on purpose.

"Chase! Stop it" I yell at him. "I'm not doing anything!" He argued. "Yes you are, you keep bumping your leg into mine!" I try to scoot away from him as far as I can.

"No I'm not! It's the road not me."

"Yes you are stop being annoying!"

"Im not being annoying"

"Yes you are" I crossed my arms over my chest.


"Ugh, just shut up I hate you." I rolled my eyes at him. "You know you would be bored without me around." He smirked at me.

"No everything would be peaceful, and calm." I explain to him. "Uh huh." He hummed.

We arrived home, finally.

I just found out Matt goes to the same school as me. But it was weird because I never ever saw him in the halls.

"Bye guys. Me and Matt are going to my room." I start walking upstairs.

"No way. You guys stay down here." Dylan said as his protectiveness came in. "Fine fine it wasn't like we were gonna do anything anyway." I roll my eyes and take a seat on the couch.


Hahahah chase annoying her is my favorite thing ever😭 I know we got a short pov from chase but dw there will be longer ones!

Anyway I don't like this Matt guy😡

Thanks for reading !


Word count - 1192

- B.

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