Chapter 21

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  I take a deep breath and try to take everything in. "Well I can tell that this is not the time so I will give you and your family some time alone. I will send in a nurse later to help clean your wounds and to change the bandage," Dr. Abraham informs us. He leaves and gently closes the door.

  Once he's gone Sharon is the first to talk. "What happened? Where were you? How did you get in this condition?" She asks. I look over to John and sigh. "I'm sorry," I tell them. "I'm not looking for an apology, I'm looking for answers," Sharon says.

  "You need to talk about this stuff," Felix says. "And what did the Dr. mean about claw markings?" Sharon interrogates. "I told you that you should have told them about it," Monica says. "About what?" Felix questions. "She has scars everywhere," Monica rats me out. "You need to tell them sooner or later," Tom says.

  "You need to talk to us," Jess says. I look over to Addison who has barely said a word. "What?" She snaps. "Nothing," I mumble. "What do you want me to say? You died! You died and now that your here your all jacked up and by the looks of it, it's not your first time looking like this. We deserve answers, and don't give us that 'it's confidential' crap," Addison expresses. 

  "I'm sorry. But I don't want to talk about it," I tell them. "We deserve to know after everything we've done," Sharon rebels. I can feel a tear run down my cheek and I'm overcome by sadness, fear, hopelessness, anger, and just everything I've been pushing down. "You wanna know!" I yell. "You wanna know what I've been through?!" I say practically screaming now.

  "I've been through hell and back and then to hell again! I've been dissected, I've been whipped, I've seen all my friends die! I've seen them die right infront of me! I lead them on a suicide mission! I've killed over three hundred people, I've had to watch people die in my arms! My own Mother was shot right infront of me!" I scream, now with tears streaming down my face. 

  "I was taken by the same man who took me and my team way. I had to relive through it all again. I was drugged, beaten, poisoned, they even tried to scramble my brain! I saw dead ones! I saw you guys! All of you yelling, screaming, grabbing at me! It should have been me!" I yell. I can't help but bawl and cry. It all just hits me. 

  "I'm a monster, murderer, I'm the reason everyone is dead. They where right, HE was right," I say in a shaky voice. "It's all my fault," I whisper, shaking violently. I bring my knees into my chest and cry. The room is silent except for my sobs. "Mace?" Addison says in a calm voice. I look up to her and then she does the unexpected. She....hugs me. I take the hug and wrap my arms around her. 

  "It'll be ok Mace. Your safe now. I've gotcha," Addison say stroking my hair. "I wanna be done, I wanna be done," I sob. "I can't take it anymore. I can't keep killing. I can't keep fighting," I cry into her. "I know. I know," Addison says gently. At some point I end up passing out. 

  I eventually end up waking up. "Good morning Mace. Did you sleep well?" I look over to my left and see Tom. "How long was I out for?" I ask. "Three days. When was the last time you slept?" He questions. "I can't remember," I tell him. "Are you hungry?" He asks getting up from his chair. "No." 

  Tom sits back down and goes on his phone. I can hear him texting on his phone. "Who are you talking to?" I ask. "I'm letting everyone know that your up. Me and Jess where on duty for today. The Dr.s weren't sure when you where going to wake up. The first day was Mom and Dad, then Monica, John, and Add. And me and Jess today," he tells me.

  Suddenly Jess walks into the room, and behind her are two people. The first one behind her is a woman. She's 5'3, has long brown hair, and she seems to be pregnant. But the man that fallows her is someone I thought I'd never see again. 

  It's Jackson. He's in a wheel chair, yet he still has the same flaming red hair and bright green eyes. I can feel my jaw drop and my eyes widen. "Jackson?" I barely get out. "Hello serg," he says with the same smile on his face. I imminently return the smile. "Hi Private Cooper," I say saluting him. 

  "Mace, I want you to meet my wife, Sarah," he introduces and takes her hand. "Hello Mrs, Cooper. Congratulations on the baby," I tell her. Then she just runs up and hugs me. I wince in pain but suck it up. "Thank you, thank you so so much," she cry's into my shoulder. "Thank you for saving him," she adds.

  She pulls away and whips away a tear from her eye. "I'm sorry. I'll let you two catch up," she says and then leave with Tom and Jess. Now just leaving me and Jackson. "Why did you tell her I saved you?" I ask him, not looking away from my now trembling hands. "You did though, and you have. They were going to kill me, but ordered them to take you," he explains.

  "But I didn't save you. And-and your legs," I say in a shaky voice. "There fine. The Dr.s say that I'll be able to walk again. They say it will take a year or two do to the tissue and muscle damage. But I'll be able to keep up with my little boy," he remarks. I just shake my head in disbelieve. 

  "With how young you are you where always putting your team infront of your self. You have saved me and," then he pauses. We both know that he was going to say the boys or team, but he stopped himself. "How are dealing with all of that?" He asks. I look at him and then quickly look back down to my hands. I then touch the back of my neck and trace over the branding that Hassan gave me. Jackson then hoists himself up on the bed and takes my hand away from my neck.

  "He's gone now Mace. He can't hurt you anymore," Jackson try's to reassure me. But it does nothing. "So how did you get in here anyway?" He asks. I just shake my head and hang it. How do I tell him the truth?

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