9-1-1, what's your grievance?

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It has been a couple of days since I went dress shopping with Hen and Athena and I am at work. There is not much to report since it was a slow day yesterday. Buck and I decided that we needed a day to ourselves. Right now I am trying to relax while we wait for something to happen. Knowing the area of LA that we service it isn't going to take long. As the thought crosses my mind the signal bell goes. With that, I make a beeline to the ambulance. After ten minutes of driving, we made it to the victim's house. There we are greeted by Athena who takes us to a backyard pool.

"Gunshot wound to the chest. Unfortunately, she was already dead when we got here," Athena informs Bobby. With that information, Bobby turns his attention to Howie and I.

"You're not going to need those medkits," Bobby announces. I can tell by his eyes that he is not happy.

"The crime scene unit is on its way. We just need medical confirmation that she is actually dead," Athena confirms. I quickly take my position by the side of the pool. I notice the bullet trajectory is a little odd. It was as if the shooter was awful at aiming. I dismiss those thoughts as we have work to do. Howie joins me with a fishing net. He seems a little annoyed about something.

"Chimney's been weird," Buck announces what has been on his mind. I am so glad that I am not the only one who noticed. Before Eddie has the chance to question him Buck notices something.

"Ooh. Ooh. Whoever killed her must have kicked in that gate good. I saw a clean footprint," Buck announces to the dismay of Athena and I.

"Well, that footprint would be mine. The gate was latched shut from the inside. The front door was locked too," Athena puts Buck in his place. It is almost funny.

"If everything was locked when you got here then how'd the murderer get in and out?" Eddie asks the million-dollar question.

"It's like a locked room mystery," Buck says as Howie and I get to work on establishing whether or not our victim is really dead. As Athena said it is just a formality as there is no way that she would've survived. Eddie counters Buck's locked door mystery idea with a locked yard mystery idea. To be honest I am convinced that this was a freak accident. After spouting some theories Athena quickly shuts Buck down.

"Are we starting a true crime podcast now? Ella?" Athena turns her attention to Howie and I.

"I'm calling it. There are definitely signs of a struggle. One of her nails broke but other than that there are no other obvious signs of a struggle," I give my report. Athena is not happy about that as it makes her life harder.

"I'm guessing that broken nail would have bugged her less than a bullet hole," Howie half-jokes.

"Have you got an ID for the paperwork?" I ask before we proceed.

"Yes. The victim's name is Delia Norward. She's the owner and sole occupant of the property," The homicide detective announces before tripping over a garden gnome. He skillfully catches himself. I try my best to hold in a giggle. Thankfully it works as I don't want to make a fool of the guy. After making a comment on the victim's choice of backyard decoration he turns his attention to us.

"How are you doing Rick?" Bobby asks, making small talk.

"It's nice to see you, Bobby," Rick responds. It is at that point I notice that Eddie is having a look around.

"Hey you know none of this mail is addressed to Delia Narward. It isn't even the right house number," Eddie remarks as Howie and I get to work on confirming that our victim is indeed dead.

"So she was stealing other people's mail. Maybe she saw something that she wasn't supposed to and it got her killed," Buck suggests. He is really getting into this. The thought makes me smile as we get the last of the checks done.

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