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Finding yourself wrapped inside his embrace the next morning, your heart nearly jumped out. You, known to yourself, fell in love with his morning face again, yet without any regrets. You raised your hand, stopping it right above his sleeping profile.

You wanted to caress his features, kiss his lips, devour him in your love, mould him in your embrace but you stopped yourself. You were hesitant. He is divorcing me for God's sake!! That thought undoubtedly hurt you but a realisation was what you needed to break free from your fantastical trance.

As you tried and moved out of his strangely tight embrace, he woke up in a daze, surprising you as well. "Y/n.." He mumbled, tightening his grip around you. "Are you leaving me?" His face dropped with fear and his morning hoarse voice forced sound waves out of his throat.

"Jungkook…" You sighed, still a little taken aback, as his seconds ago sleepy eyes were now wide open as if he never slept to start with. You placed the back of your hand above his forehead and sighed in relief realising that his fever was down.

"Don't go." He shook his head when you were somehow successful in slipping out of the bed. "I can't stay here forever." You mouthed with a little firm voice, looking everywhere but him. "Please Y/n…" He attempted to step down the bed when you held his shoulders and gently pushed him back on the bed.

"Take a day off today and rest. I will go home to freshen up and then go to the office." You chirped while straightening your hair and creased clothes. "You can freshen up here also." He retorted. "I don't have my clothes here, Jungkook." You spoke calmly.

"I will tell my driver to bring your essentials here." He held your wrist as you were about to walk away from the mirror and pulled you back towards him on the bed. "Jungkook. We are getting divorced." You frowned, twisting your hand in his grip to get out of there. "We are still married." He spoke stubbornly pulling you closer.

You let out a breath, your wrists fisted over his chest while his arms were wrapped around your waist. How you wished earlier to be in his arms, this way, staring at each other, loving each other but slowly that wish faded into the oblivion when you were marred with the aloofness and cold heart of your husband.

"Why are you doing this Jungkook?" You finally asked, unable to hold yourself back. "Do you not want me to ever move on from you?" He said nothing but kept staring at you for a couple of seconds.

"If I say yes, that I don't want you to forget me, yes I don't want you to ignore me, I want to look at you after opening my eyes and before closing them, I want to inhale your fragrance near me, I want to hear you talk to me, then will I sound bad?"

You would lie if you say that your heart didn't skip a beat when he confessed this to you in person because in the last two years, you have hardly heard him form a four sentence line with you in one go. You gulped a nervous lump down your throat before hoodwinking your hazy gaze with his dreamy ones.

"Couples do these things. Strangers don't." You mouthed in a cold voice with a blank face and the small smile that was lingering on his lips faded away instantly. "Strangers?" He mumbled in a pain laced voice and you saw his eyes brim with tears. "We are not strangers Y/n." He shook his head and held you tighter.

"We will be Jungkook. In a few months." You deadpanned before wriggling out of his hold. "Can I annul the divorce?" His tears didn't stop from flowing out of his eyes as he looked at you in panic. "Thankyou for your sympathy Mr Jeon." You chuckled sarcastically before moving near the door to walk out of his room.

"Y/n…" He walked behind you in a haste and much to your surprise, he scooped you in a back hug. "Please come here after office. I am taking a day off today so I won't be able to see you. Come here after office hours please." You gasped when he spoke into your ear in his begging tone.

"Jungkook, there were days when you worked without sparing a single glance at me." You held his hands which were hooked above your stomach. "You know nothing. I was always close to you. With you." He argued, hugging you tighter as if you would vanish from his life.

"Still so far, Jungkook." You murmured in a low voice before freeing yourself from his cage and walking out. "Please come back here after office. I will wait for you." You heard his pleading tone from behind you which made the heart of the wife still breathing inside you clench in agony but the new born person in you held you back from giving in.

The day passed faster than a jet, with you being busy in meetings and discussions, drowning into heaps of files. You looked at the clock which struck at 9 pm and a sudden thought of his sick face jumped into your brain. "Is he fine?" Your heart murmured and hence you started collecting your stuffs to take your leave for the day until Mr. Kim marked his presence inside your cabin.

"Mam the Swiss clients want to have a scheduled meeting now because they will be leaving urgently by tomorrow morning." Your face fell with this information as the thought of seeing him buried somewhere between the workload. Time tickled down and you reached his place, tired and upset.

The sight in front of you formed a tough lump on your throat as you saw him sleeping by the dinning table, with the food covered in front of him. This was the same scenario with you but months ago after which you have stopped waiting and now that he was doing the same, a thought crossed your mind.

Maybe he had also tried to make time for me but somehow couldn't do it just the way I couldn't do it today.

With this thought, you walked closer to him. He was already sick and now he was sleeping by the dining table, waiting for you which made you feel guilty. "Was I not that understanding?" Another thought crossed your mind but you shook away that and caressed his messy hair. Your small touch was enough to drift him apart from his thin slumber.

"Oh! You are back." He rubbed his eyes, hence rubbing away the sleep from them. "I was waiting for you." Your heart melted when his sleep laden hazel brown eyes graced upon you, dripping with amber innocence and something which was yet to be named by him.

"I will heat up the food." You caressed his cheek a little before walking towards the kitchen. Though you already had your dinner with your clients, still you ate extra somehow, only to make that person happy who was the reason for your hurting heart and restless nights.

Jungkook knew that your care for him was binding you with him for a short time and that he couldn't keep you to himself like before hence you walked out of his place, leaving him all alone like before. He wanted to stop you but he knew that he was losing the right with every day that was nearing the divorce.

"I don't want to divorce you Y/n. I never wanted to." He murmured to himself, your face glancing in front of him as he thought about you while looking at the dark sky shimmering with those shining stars. His soul could relate so much to that sky while the shining star in life was just fading away.

It was another day in his life when he retorted back to his mansion after a hectic day at work. As he thought about relaxing himself, he sat on his couch and switched on the television only to be embraced with the top news of the business world.

"Mrs Jeon Y/n found in the arms of a mysterious man. Could this man be the reason for her divorce with Mr Jeon Jungkook?"

Jungkook's face fell immediately as his eyes went a little wide when a picture of you, smiling widely, while engulfing a man, whose back was showing to the screen, surfaced up the news channels while the headlines made his heart thump harder than they already were.

"Another man….?" He gasped with a low murmur and something inside him broke. His heart.


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