Shifting Shadows

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Coach Williams blew her whistle to signal the end of class. We headed for the locker rooms to shower and get ready for the rest of our day.

"How was that?" Lauren asked.

"I can say I've never had gym class in my socks before."

"Yeah, Coach Williams does that sometimes. She's a lot of fun."

"She's unique. I've never had a nice gym teacher before."

Gym class isn't so bad. 

Lauren ran off to her locker and grabbed her shower bag. I headed to one of the stalls and stood under the hot water for a few minutes longer than I should have. I really just wanted to avoid everyone for a little bit. Especially Amber.

I slowly made my way to the lunchroom, eventually standing in the unending line to grab a tray of food. I went through the options, impressed with that it wasn't all processed mystery meat looking slop.

The setup of their lunchroom was a bit different, but it worked with the flow of people to keep people moving.

After leaving the line, you exit out into the bustling cafeteria where there was a lot of chatter and laughter. Students clustered around tables, their energy palpable as they enjoyed their midday break. I moved through the crowd, my tray of food in hand, searching for a place to sit.

I gripped the tray until my knuckles turned white. I hated this more than telling everyone about myself in class.

Lauren waved me over from a table near the windows, her smile inviting. "Hey, Rory! Come join us."

I offered a grateful smile and joined the group, feeling a mixture of gratitude and trepidation. The lunchroom was the epitome of the social dynamics at play, and I couldn't help but be aware of the fact that I was still an outsider navigating unfamiliar territory.

As I settled into my seat, Lauren introduced me to a few kids I didn't meet yet, each one offering a friendly greeting. The conversation flowed, a lot of stories and jokes. 

Amidst the chatter, my thoughts wandered to Aiden. His presence had cast an indelible mark on my thoughts since our first encounter in Biology class. The enigma that surrounded him was a constant hum in the background, a mystery that beckoned to be explored.

"So, Rory, how are you finding Silverwood so far?" Lauren's voice pulled me back into the present, and I met her gaze with a genuine smile.

"It's different, but I'm starting to feel more comfortable," I replied, the words sincere. Silverwood was unlike any place I had lived before, and despite the initial challenges, there was an undeniable charm that was beginning to weave its way into my heart.

My eyes darted around the room until I saw Aiden sitting at a table with five other kids. They all looked similar. 

Brothers and sisters?

Lauren's friend Emily leaned in, her eyes curious. "Have you met Aiden yet?"

The mention of his name sent a tingle down my spine, and I nodded, my cheeks warming slightly. "Yeah, I have."

Lauren grinned mischievously. "And?"

I tried to suppress the smile that threatened to creep onto my lips. "And he's... intriguing."

"He doesn't date," Amber interrupted. "At least nobody here. So don't even try."

"Um, okay?"

The table erupted in awkward laughter.

"He's weird. They're all weird," Joe said, sounding a bit on the salty side. "Let's plan on doing something this weekend."

"Oh! The lake?" Amber asked, perking up. 

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