Drakkon UPDATE - Important!

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Drakkon Update~

Date: August 12, 2023 :)

Hello friends! It's been a little while, and I hope you all are well :)

I've got a few updates on Drakkon! If you've been following me, you'll know that I decided to rewrite Drakkon and publish it! The plan is to make it a 2-3 book series and each book will follow a different character. This means that you'll be able to get the hardback, paperback, or ebook through most retailers! Ahh, isn't that exciting? People have been asking for a physical copy for years, and I'm happy to finally be able to provide that :)

Drakkon is a story that is very near to my heart; it's actually my FIRST romantic fantasy book that I completed! Over the years, I've improved on my writing and I want to do Drakkon justice, which is why I'll be rewriting it.

A lot of the story will remain the same, but a lot will also change. Some people will likely not be happy with the changes and prefer the original–and no worries on that front, the original Drakkon will remain up on Wattpad for those people– and some people will probably love the changes. You'll have to stick around to find out what changes and what doesn't!

There are a few changes that I'll tell you up front:

I will be changing Drakkon Meilin's name to Drakkon Muyang instead. Why? Well, when I first wrote Drakkon, I found Meilin's name on an obscure website and thought the name sounded super cool! It was supposedly a unisex name according to that website. I, stupidly, didn't do my research on the name, and found out years later that Meilin is a GIRL'S name. And as embarrassing as that was for me, I had to keep the name the same because Drakkon boomed in popularity and it was a tad too late to change it. But the rewrite will have this new name :)

Daiyu will have a more active role in pushing the plot forward. In the original, most of the events happened around her or to her, and she made no direct impact on any of those events. Whether or not she was there, those events would have happened. I want to change that for the rewrite. She will have a direct impact on the story this time.

Daiyu's personality will remain the same–she will still be the kind, sweet, open-hearted character that she is! However, she will not be passive. She won't let shit happen to her and be okay with it. I really want to show in this book that a sweet and kind person can also be assertive in their needs. You don't have to be a warrior princess to say no when you don't like something, and I really want to change that for Daiyu.

I will be commissioning art and goodies to go along with the release, so feel free to follow me on my social media (@ authormahamfatemi on instagram) or on my newsletter (on my website) to keep up with the updates! I am also considering writing some shorter stories of other characters in the Drakkon universe, and releasing those sometime next year!

I will be running a signed paperback and hardback preorder on my website mahamfatemi.com when the time for release is closer. The preorder will come with art, bookmarks, and other goodies (more info on that later!) I will update you all when that becomes live :) 

Thank you all for the continued love and support for this book. It means a lot to me! I really do hope that I can meet all of your expectations for this Drakkon rewrite. Thank you so much for sticking with me for so long.

All the best, 

Maham Fatemi

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