Chapter 14

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"I KNEW IT," I smiled

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"I KNEW IT," I smiled. "I'm going to have a stepdad."

"Woah, let's not take it that far," she quickly corrected.

"How long have you guys been talking?" I asked excitedly.

"A couple months now," she shrugged.

"And you didn't tell me?" I asked, slightly offended.

"I didn't want to tell you, and then it didn't work out," she said.

"So what made you decide to tell me now?"

"He made it official; I'm someone's girlfriend." We both jumped up and down in excitement while squealing.

"So what's his name?" I asked after we settled down.

"Alexander Davenport," she sighed dreamily, "is good-looking, rich, and funny. The perfect package."

"Did you guys have your first kiss yet?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"It felt as if I was in the seventh heaven," she grinned. "It was the best thing I had ever experienced; I was giggling and blushing like a school girl."

"So how did he confess?"

"Well, he invited me out for dinner at his place, and then he cooked for me; the mood was so romantic with candles all over. Then we danced to Love Is A Many Splendored Thing, but being clumsy, I knocked over a candle and the tablecloth caught on fire," she chuckled at the memory, then continued, "and after we put out the fire, he couldn't stop laughing, but I was trying to apologize. Then he shut me up with a kiss and asked if he could be my man, and I couldn't say no to that."

"That's so cute!" I squealed.

"Enough about me," she said, her expression turning cheeky, "what about you and Leo?"

"I decided I wanted to try out a relationship with him," I shrugged, trying to hide my blush, "so I told him, and let's just say he was very happy."

"Look at us, two girls gossiping about their love lives." She smiled, and then I could see her eyes starting to tear up. "I don't know where I would be if I didn't have you."

"Mom," I groaned, trying not to tear up.

No, seriously, when your father died, you were my only motivation to do better and be the best version of myself, and look at where we are today." She started to choke up. "You make me proud as a mother, and I'm glad we have this kind of relationship where you feel free to tell me anything."

"Mom," my lips trembled as I tried not to cry, but then she hugged me, and I couldn't hold back my tears anymore.

"I think we drank too much wine," she said through her sniffles, and I nodded in agreement. "I can't believe you only have one more month 'til graduation."

"Me neither; I don't want to be an adult," I mumbled over her shoulder, and she laughed.

"You'll always be my baby," she said, rubbing my back.




This was a filler just to show Alyiah's relationship with her mother

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