A living being

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Jonathan put on a smile as soon as he closed the front door leading to Gotham City, leaving Ann in his house behind him. He took the keys out of his pocket and locked the door. Just for safety reasons. He turned around, straightened his suit and tie and walked towards the Arkham Asylum. "Oh, I'm quite excited!" Full of content Jonathan showed his happiness in public. It's been a long time since he last examined a hair sample of somebody and the nostalgia hit him again with all his memories of his younger life.

"Dr. Crane, can you help me with something?" "Dr. Crane, where have you been this morning, are you alright?" "You have to check these reports before I can send them, Dr. Crane." Ugh. As soon as he entered the asylum Jonathan was surrounded by too many assistants. "You can't even work properly when I'm not around for god damn five hours?" He yelled at them, left them alone and went straight to his laboratory. They're like flies, but I can't get rid of them. Jonathan sat on a chair, placed the suitcase he brought with on the table and ran his hands through his hair as he breathed for a moment. Now concentrate, the fun part is about to begin.

Jonathan opened the sterile small plastic bag and with tweezers he took out some of Ann's hair strains. He grinned and prepared a microscope to put them under. "So Ann, let's see what you've been eating, let's see what you've been drinking, let's see what you've been doing the past years!" He couldn't hide his inner psychopath anymore. I should analyze people more often than just killing them right away, this joy is too fulfilling. Only with some strains of hair it is indeed possible to see the whole body balance, as for example hormone balance, use of drugs or alcohol, basically everything, for the last few years or months. "Let's start with caustic soda." Concentrated he put a few drops on the laboratory test. Jonathan looked at the clock. "01:35pm." Putting on his transparent glasses, he was waiting for the hair to decompose. Using this information, I could make specific meal plans for every patient. That way I could control them even better in my absence!

"A shitty caustic soda or what?" Annoyance and impatience hit Jonathan hard. After five minutes it should at least form blisters! "Ugh. I"ll mix a new one." You really can only rely on yourself.

But this test version failed as well. "Impossible." Jonathan got nervous. "One last time, this can't be it!" Ann's hair didn't decompose a slightly bit. It didn't change at all.

He started sweating and nervously walked through his lab. "No." Jonathan felt confused and agitated at the same time. He wiped the sweat off his face. This... would only tell me that... "Ann... She..." he couldn't believe his own thoughts. "Ann isn't human." Jonathan whispered and sat down again, hands on his forehead. He took his notebook out of the suitcase, put it on the table and made a check list. "She looks human." No valid reason. "She has metabolism." Ann eats, breaths, uses the toilet, has hair growth. "Huh. So Ann's a living being, but what exactly is she?" He tore the page, crumbled it up and threw it tensed in the bin. "Hahahahahaha!" If this hag new what treasure she had given me! I have to go back immediately!

"Ann!" He shouted as soon as he shut the front door behind him and ran to the bedroom. "Ann?" She didn't run away, did she? He checked the bathroom and kitchen. "Ann? It's me, Mr. Crane, I came home earlier!" This little brat. He went back to the bedroom. The garden! Jonathan peaked through the window and spotted her leg lying in the grass in a corner, the rest of her body covered behind the house. Good. Jonathan walked to the glass door leading to the little garden on the other side of the house. He stopped. Am I seeing correctly? There was Ann lying on the grass, surrounded by ten different kinds of birds. Blackbirds, pigeons, tits, crows, Jonathan couldn't even identify them all. Two squirrels were sitting rolled up on her lap. What the...? He moved on, opened the door quickly to confront her, but the animals didn't move a bit and Ann just looked at him with a smile. "Oh, Mr. Crane, look!" She said calmly with the happy face he only saw when she was sleeping. "Hello, ugh, Ann." He inspected her fully with a serious face. "How come the animals don't leave you? Ugh, doesn't matter. Ann, we have to tal-" He froze. Jonathan had walked closer to Ann and could see her right arm. It was all bloody, torn open, from her shoulder to the elbow. A bit of her bone of the upper arm was even visible. Jonathan widened his eyes in unbelief, kept standing there frozen and just eyed Ann with her wound. This... What is this? Her arm! "Oh, don't worry about that." Ann waved it off with a smile. "The birds were a little hungry, hehe." Her happy voice finally melted Jonathan's frozen body again. "What-" he insisted. "Doesn't it hurt the hell out of you?" He caught himself again. "No, why should it hurt?" She laughed at him. "I just agreed to help them out. You have never done that before, have you? All men are always too shy to do it. You should try, it's fun." She grinned. A blackbird hopped next to her face, picked out a piece of flesh from her wound and flew away. Jonathan just couldn't believe anything anymore. What in the world is she?

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