13: Questions

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Chapter 13

-Isabella Di Luca-

After my first wonderful picnic experience with my third oldest brother, which I am really happy and thankful for, Gio then offered for the two of us to explore the gardens, and I happily picked out some beautiful flowers that Gio said I could place in a vase inside my bedroom.

Even though our plan to go outside was postponed for a bit since Enzo needed to go to work, I was still really happy that I got to spend the day with Gio. It was really fun. I experienced my first picnic; we ate lots of food, especially strawberries and chocolates, and we talked.

I was uncomfortable and nervous at first when he brought up my past and the fact that he knew that I was hurt or was still hurting, but when Gio told me that I could go to him anytime I was in pain and he would help me, I felt really relieved and thankful. And I knew right then that, just like Enzo, I could also trust Gio with my whole heart.

My broken heart has never felt this warm, happy, and safe before.

Whenever I am with Enzo and Gio, it feels like, ever so slowly, my heart is beginning to mend itself.

But I still feel something is missing. Or perhaps someone.

And a thought suddenly drifted back into my mind.

My mother and father

There is no complete family without a mother and a father. But where's ours?

"G-Gio? Where's o-our mother and father?" I looked up at my brother and questioned.

His body suddenly became stiff, and his eyes slightly widened, as if I had caught him by surprise with my question.

Is it not right that I asked him that? Oh! I've been a bad girl again!

"Izzy sorry t-to ask! Izzy j-just wonders where t-they a-are. So sorry, Gio!" I pathetically whimpered, hoping that I didn't anger my brother.

To my relief, he softly patted my head and gave me another of his awkward smiles. Thank goodness.

"Don't be sorry, Isabella; it's alright to ask that. You have every right to ask about our parents, I understand." He replied, but his voice sounded sad.

I didn't like sad.

I moved closer to my brother and wrapped my arms around his waist. I heard him chuckling as he also wrapped his arms around me.

I really like my brothers' hugs. They're the best.

"But, erm, I think that it's best if Lorenzo is the one who'll tell you where they are. He's your legal guardian after all." He says. But I got the feeling that he was more saying that to himself than to me.

I just nod my head, not wanting to be a bad girl and force my brother to tell me about where our mother and father are when it's obvious that he doesn't want to tell me. I'll do what he said and just ask Enzo then.

But from Gio's reaction to my questions, I think I already know.

I may look and sound dumb, but I'm not that dumb.

Our mother and father are gone.

I just need Enzo to tell me that to confirm my thoughts.

"C-can Gio t-tell Izzy about them? What are t-they like?" I found myself asking when he finally released me.

I plop my butt down on the grassy ground, and Gio sighs as he also sits next to me.

"Our Mamma's name was Oksana; she's Uncle Ivan's twin sister." Gio begins to tell me, still with an awkward smile on his face.

The Missing PrincessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora