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Marco had recently been busy conditioning new recruit of Talon after that wonderfully successful encounter with Sombra. Of course, he didn't want to refer her to her real name since he felt like the codename was much better to go off on, and he didn't really care about her real name anyways. A week had passed and he had already recruited nearly seventy percent of Talon's female recruits into Hyphen's database, now occasionally using those recruits to test new hypnosis technology on. However, it was a Saturday currently, so he had to spend time with Sombra in a laboratory just near his secret room.

He was busy making out with her on one of them tables, his hands groping her chest and rubbing along her curves. No one was assigned to come here to the labs today so he was okay with just having some sexual fun with the hacker anywhere. "Mmmmhn~ Keep showering me with compliments you Latina whore," he'd state, some of the words being spaced out by him kissing her lips, "show your Master how a good girl obeys~"

"Of course Master." Sombra replied, her body alight with arousal as Marco groped her chest and rubbed her body. Her hands weren't idle however, currently pumping Marco's cock up and down. "Your hands feel so good on my Latina body. And your cock is so big. You're so kind to let my slutty hands touch your masculine cock. I wanna shove it in my soaking hot pussy and make you cum."

"... Disgusting." A few hundred yards away, a woman looked at the debaucherous scene in front of her. Widowmaker had been tasked with finding out why so many female recruits were disappearing, and take out those responsible. She should feel disgusted, watching her colleague being forced to serve as a sex slave, but disgust was an emotion she had lost a long time ago. Only the satisfaction of a job well done was the shimmer of emotion she could feel. An emotion she would be feeling quite soon as she lined up her shot...

Marco stopped kissing Sombra for a bit, chuckling in a deep tone as he kept eye contact with the hacker. His forehead touched with the Latina's before he'd notice with the reflection of her eyes, that someone was watching them from afar. He'd chuckle before he then pulled out what seemed to be a button from the back of his pockets and pressed it.

Suddenly, the sound of what seemed to be a hypnotic siren would be playing, tunes so mesmerizing it was almost like it was meant to hypnotize anyone that tried to infiltrate the laboratory. He'd then slowly help Sombra off the table and continue to make out with her for a little bit as he waited for Widowmaker to instantly fall under this command, before he'd break the kiss.

"We'll save this little fuckfest for later, mi puta. For now, looks like we have a third party eavesdropping on us." He'd state in his husky tone, letting his fingers run up Sombra's chin to lightly tease her. "I'll get that pussy soaked as soon as we get her, hm?"

Widowmaker grasped her head as she hears the siren playing. She had been expecting some kind of ray, and had gotten her visor reinforced with special lenses to disrupt visual effects. But she wasn't prepared for an audio attack. Thankfully, her time being brainwashed and 'improved' by Talon had given her some resistance to mental changes. But still, she had to act fast, struggling to get away.

"Ohhh, looks like she's resisting Master." Sombra said, pulling up a video feed that is watching Widowmaker as she attempts to flee. "Looks like you're going to have to break her in fully."

"Don't worry, music isn't the only thing that's gonna be used here." He'd state, as he continued to let the music play throughout the halls, making sure to put the building in lockdown, before he then would begin activating yet another contraption that seemed to be abundant within the building: smoke machines. Suddenly the smoke machines began dispersing what seemed to be some sort of hypnotic smoke that would entrance the user when inhaled.

Upon him activating this, he'd nod and look at Sombra, "get ready to hack into her visor and give me an opening shot on her, Sombra Slut. If you do this successfully, I'll maybe give you more creampies in that pussy, yes?" He'd offer, before cocking his hypno gun and began following Widowmaker's direction, ready to blast the weakened huntress with the music and the smoke now growing more like s fog that no one could even seen thru.

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