chapter 9

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Emily's POV:

Today was boring, really boring, so I'm at the hospital checking my body because the boys said I was too tiny and they wanted to see if I got any infection from my scars.

"Can we leave now?" I begged Xender for the sixth time.

But again, he rolled his eyes at me, making me scold softly.

"Stop acting like a baby, you little shit," Kelsey said then stuck out his tongue.

"XENDER!, KELSEY'S CALLING ME NAMES!" I yelled then looked at Kelsey with a smirk when I noticed the look Xender gave him.

"You will pay for that," he whispered when Xender looked away.

This time I stuck out my tongue before laughing loudly, making the others give me looks but saying nothing about it.

"Alright, she's going to be fine, just give her a lot of healthy food, and don't let her eat too many sweets, as for her injuries, just let her rub this cream, and before you know it, they will be all gone," Kingston, our family doctor, stated while smiling at me.

"Thank you, Doctor Kingston," I said with a grin while he rolled his eyes at the name.

"Alright gang, let's go get ice cream," Austin said loudly getting "YES" from Tony and me.

"I just said no sweets," Kingston mumbled while letting out a breath before shaking his head.

"So no ice cream," Austin mumbled with a pout.

"Aw, bo" I yelled while throwing my hands up, making the others laugh.

"Alright, just for today, please," Kingston said.

With that, I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, the boys following my lead.

"DON'T RUN, EMILY!" I heard Chris and Xender yell out, but eh, I kept running anyway.

"FIRST" I screamed while doing a happy dance.

"No fair, you cheated," Tony says, giving me a little push.

"Did not," I argued.

"You did," he argued.




"You freaking did."

That's what happened to us, going back and forth arguing.

"Ok, shut up and get inside the car, or no more ice cream," Chris said, breaking our little fight.

"We will finish this later," Tony whispered while giving me a look.

"We will finish this later, blah blah blah," I mocked him before running when he started chasing me around.

"XENDER, THEY'RE FIGHTING!" We heard Austin scream out loud, making us freeze.

"Sit in the car, Sissy," Tony whispered before pulling my arms towards the door.

We giggled as we entered the car before hiding.

"You liar, they are not even here," we heard Xender mumble while Austin tried to explain.

Making us laugh quietly.

"We should do this more often," Tony said softly.

With a nod, we felt the car move, making us sit up straight, and then saw the glares Austin gave us.

Which only made us laugh more.

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Under editing ✨

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