Ch 18

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Chapter 18

Almost at the same time Jiang Shuyue was brought into the box, Song Zhi appeared next to Tao Jia.

She stood still in front of the girl, and casually said, "Jiajia, why are you alone, where is Shuyue?

" The dream is gone! It should be in a certain box, Yichan, you can go find her inside." "

It's okay." Song Zhishun sat down to confirm the ambiguity, "I won't be a light bulb anymore."

She took advantage of the opportunity and sat down next to the girl : "I was too bored in the box, so I hid and wanted to play with you for a while, but I just missed it with Shu Yue."

Tao Jia heard this, brought her a glass of juice and said, "It's okay, I can do it too." Let me chat

with you, Chan." Song Zhi thanked her, and then began to lead the topic: "Actually, I am really curious about Jiajia. I have never heard Shu Yue say that there is such a sweet friend as you. You met in London Is it?"

Obviously it was an ordinary question for small talk, Tao Jia looked at her, but seemed to hesitate to speak.

As if it was a secret, it was inconvenient for her to open the mouth when Jiang Shuyue was not around.

"Wow, Shuyue has a little secret behind my back?" Song Zhi made a gesture of understanding, "Jiajia, if it's not convenient for you to tell me, that's fine.

" She said, "Ms. Shu must not have cheated on you. Strictly speaking, I knew Miss Shu unilaterally."

At this point, she suddenly paused, held back the key part, and only said, "Actually, there is nothing wrong with you." It's convenient, just because I'm worried that Ms. Shu wants to tell you herself."

One-sided acquaintance?

Song Zhi pondered for a moment, and decided to try in another direction: "Let's talk about Jiajia yourself, are you traveling to London too?"

This time, Tao Jia said bluntly: "No, I came to study in London last year and just finished my studies One year of preparatory school."

Song Zhi asked her where she was from, where she went to high school, and occasionally interspersed with some trivial daily questions such as where is the best Chinese restaurant in London.

In the end, it was discovered that Tao Jia and Jiang Shuyue were eight thousand miles apart, and it was impossible for them to be friends in reality.

Adding up all the details, plus Song Zhi's own part-time experience in the new media industry, a guess emerged in her mind.

Tao Jia is actually quite familiar with her, and when talking about herself with her, it can be said that she has no reservations.

Song Zhi found a time for girls to drink water, and suddenly asked: "Jiajia, did you and Shu Yue meet online?"

Tao Jia was taken aback, and looked at her in surprise: "You guessed it?" "

Yes , It's not counted." Song Zhi didn't change his face and began to say, "I know that Shu Yue has an account of 'Miss Shu', just now you said 'one-sided acquaintance', I knew it." Tao Jia suddenly realized: "It turns out that I

also Chan, you already knew it!"

Immediately, she no longer shy away from it, and immediately asked gossip: "A few days ago, the one who went to the Silverstone Circuit with Ms. Shu to experience F1 racing was you, Yichan, right?!" Sure enough


Song Zhi guessed right, Jiang Shuyue really had a social account named "Miss Shu".

She cheered up, and generously admitted: "Well, it's me." Immediately afterwards, she asked again, "Does Shu Yue often post me?" Tao Jia didn't answer, but

asked instead: "Yichan, you don't know how to browse Miss Shu's homepage. Is it?"

Song Zhi followed the good example: "I have too much to learn, and I seldom surf the Internet." A

real socialite like Zhou Yichan is really introverted in her spare time, and music, calligraphy and sports are the same.

Tao Jia had no doubts about him, and said with emotion: "Yes, this era is too complicated, such time-killing things like Little Red Book, who is a serious person!" Song Zhishang smiled, quite heartily


Not only because of Tao Jia's joke, but also because she finally revealed the specific platform.

"Miss Shu" and "Little Red Book", these two key information are enough.

Song Zhi got what he wanted, so he stopped dealing with Tao Jia too much, took the girl to Xie Yumeng's box in a few words, and then made excuses to escape.

In a secluded corner, she leaned against the wall and entered "Miss Shu" in the little red book.

A long list of related users appeared, and the leader was called "Miss Shu's Secret Base", which fit Jiang Shuyue's style very well, with as many as 390,000 fans.

Song Zhi clicked on the homepage, and her recent notes were related to Silverstone F1, and even posted a photo of herself wearing a racing suit and a helmet sitting in a Formula Two car.

The scene and shape are all too familiar.

Looking further down, although this Miss Shu has never shown her face, her itinerary, her dress and diet, her age and hobbies are all consistent with Jiang Shuyue.

The only difference is: "Miss Shu" is a wealthy and elegant socialite, while Jiang Shuyue is a demon who bullies her classmates.

The corners of Song Zhi's lips curled up slightly, he quickly put away his phone, and slowly returned to the lawn of the manor to wait for the "little internet celebrity".

Seeking help from Chen Yan was really effective. Song Zhi could feel the sweet bubbles emanating from Jiang Shuyue's body from a distance.

She should be very satisfied, her whole body exudes a slightly drunken elation.

Song Zhi was not in a hurry, so he quietly watched her bluff and play with her for a while.


Jiang Shuyue raised her tail to the sky again, and asked herself arrogantly for a helmet.

Song Zhi knew it, the time had come.

Because of Zhou Yichan's weakness, she has endured this person all the way until now, and she has long wanted to beat him up. At this moment, she can finally fight against him without any scruples.

"In such a hurry, do you want to send it to 'Miss Shu's secret base' quickly?" Song Zhi Youyou asked back, and put the phone that was transferred to "Miss Shu's homepage" into her eyes.

Maybe it was too unexpected.

Jiang Shuyue was taken aback for a moment, and was about to refute, but froze suddenly when she saw the irrefutable evidence. Shock and remorse, guilty conscience and panic, were staged on her face one after another, and finally all condensed into ashes.

But she is still holding on, holding back the last trace of joy and sophistry: "So what? Which one of the things I posted is fake. Even if you found my homepage, so what?"

"Oh?" Song Zhi picked up her mobile phone and slowly swipe her notes, asking as she swiped, "Formula racing experience, photo with Chen Yan, luxury suite at Hilton Hotel, Concubine Diana bag, which one of these is really affordable for you? ?"

After asking, she raised her eyes and looked at Jiang Shuyue with a smile.

How she threatened herself before, how she responded to her at this moment: "I see that your fans are very envious and adore you. You said, if they know, you blackmailed me for these things, What will happen to them?"

Jiang Shuyue has been ordinary and humble since she was born, this account is her accidental success, and it is the thing she is most proud of since she has lived for eighteen years.

What Song Zhi said was exactly what she was most afraid of happening, and it was also the thing that really touched her deathbed.

But was he caught like this? Jiang Shuyue was not reconciled.

Even at this point, she is still struggling: "Who cares if the Internet is true or not? Besides, there are so many people who are popular. These are my fans. Do you think they will believe me or you?" "Really

? "

Song Zhi's gaze sharpened sharply. She got up and asked condescendingly one after another:

"Why doesn't Miss Shu dare to show her face?"

"Why didn't she dare to let Tao Jia get along with me alone?

" Does anyone know your account?"

Jiang Shuyue was able to look her in the eyes at first, but the more she asked her, the more guilty she felt, and when the last question came down, she finally couldn't hold it anymore, and lowered her head in panic.

"If you still want to continue accepting commercials, and want to be your fake socialite 'Miss Shu', you can settle down for me in the future. Otherwise——"

Song Zhi leaned over, retaliated with an eye for an eye, and returned the heavy slap of the night by the Thames River On her head, "I don't mind letting everyone know the real Miss Jiang Shuyue."

The girl turned around after cleaning up the devil, leaving only a happy back.

And Jiang Shuyue was completely defeated, her brain was confused and numb, and she collapsed into a chair with a bloodless face.

After solving Jiang Shuyue's trouble, Song Zhi was in the mood to really enjoy the party.

She went to the center of the manor, where the lawn stretched as far as the eye could see. From afar, she saw a group of youthful young girls sitting around the lake.

The lake should be man-made and not too big. At the moment, there is a band playing on the open-air viewing platform in the middle of the lake. It is a high-spirited and joyful English song, and I feel happy when I hear the dazzling guitar sound.

But when she got closer, her quickened pace stopped.

I saw that the central floor lamp suddenly became brighter, and the whole band suddenly became like the sun and the moon. After the climax of the song fell, the light gradually dimmed, and the teenagers who sat around several times raised their illuminated mobile phones and waved them. White light floated in mid-air, like drifting stars.

The green land, dark water, sparkling light, and fiery upward melody constitute a small universe unique to summer.

A wave of unrestrained happiness rushed into Song Zhi's heart. Standing on the side of this surging universe, she suddenly felt that it would be good to just stand on the edge and watch from afar.

Song Zhi found a bench and sat down. She didn't need to socialize with any strangers, but it didn't prevent her from blending into the flourishing romance. Unfamiliar tunes were played one after another, and occasionally a few lines could be sung along, as if seeing an explosion of the universe.

This feeling is very similar to the escape she had planned: to escape to a place that no one knows, to enjoy the unfamiliar excitement leisurely and comfortably.

If the previous trip to London was a dream, then this moment is the reality she wants most.

Song Zhi was completely intoxicated, and he didn't even know that there was a young man who admired her as a piece of cosmic scenery for a long time.

As the night deepened, Chen Yan originally came to find friends, to do his best to be a landlord, but accidentally broke into the girl's world.

In his memory, Zhou Yichan was always introverted and tense, like a small animal that recognizes life. But this reunion in London, she can be said to be reborn, especially at this moment, the girl exudes an unprecedented lightness.

For some reason, Chen Yan sat quietly not far behind her.

Watch her sing along, watch her sway with the melody, watch her enjoy being alone comfortably.

When she smiled, he seemed to be infected, and the corners of his mouth curved up accordingly.

This kind of comfortable tranquility has lasted for a long time.

Until midnight was approaching, Chen Yan stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder.

Song Zhi turned his head, and suddenly pulled away from the small universe.

Seeing that it was Chen Yan, she smiled at him with a smile on her face, "It's you, Shou Xing, I thought you were by the lake." "It should

be." Chen Yan stood by her side and stretched out his hand, "But I saw you , I suddenly remembered that I need to collect a debt first."

Song Zhimiao understood what he was referring to.

She had been prepared for a long time, and immediately took out a folded piece of paper from her bag, unfolded it, and handed it to the young man: "Here, Liangqing."

Chen Yan paused, as if she didn't expect that she really prepared a reward.

When the girl's gaze came to him, he picked up the paper to browse, and was even more surprised - it was actually the transaction slip for his helmet.

Chen Yan raised his eyes, and as soon as he met Shang Song Zhi's eyes, he heard her say,

"I think this should be more important to you than imagined."

Chen Yan stared at her for a long time without saying a word.

Suddenly, he chuckled: "Girl, in two years you will regret the nasty words just now."

Song Zhi still fixed him, his eyes were sharp, like he could penetrate his superficial foolishness, and peer into his heart.

"If not, why is it so well protected, with almost no scratches." She said, "Chen Yan, I don't think it was your intention to auction it.

" from the bottom of my heart.

Chen Yan had no choice but to accept all the dishonesty, and replied seriously: "Thank you. But there is no reason to take back the auctioned things. Zhou Yichan, can you keep it for me, okay?" "Of course.

" Take the paper back and put it away properly.

They agreed and fell into a brief silence.

There was a vague uneasiness in the air.

At this time, Chen Yan broke the silence again: "What else?"

"Huh?" Song Zhi was puzzled.

Chen Yan took it for granted: "Birthday present, it's not really unprepared, is it?"

Song Zhi spread his hands: "You don't need anything, young master, what can I give you?" "I haven't

seen you in so many years, so you've been perfunctory." The young man tutted.

Song Zhi's eyes flashed slightly, and he suddenly changed his words: "Actually, I'm ready." With a smile in her eyes, she lowered her chin at him, "You stretch out your hand."

Chen Yan followed suit.

"I promise you one thing." As Song Zhi said, he raised his hand and slapped his palm lightly, "Signed, officially effective."

Chen Yan was stunned for a long time before asking: "What's the matter?"

In the darkness, the girl's eyes were extraordinarily bright, She said, "Anything."


there was a sudden burst of fireworks by the lake, and bursting sparks came with the wind. In the cool and hot air, the clock in the manor rang crisply.

Zero o'clock has officially arrived.

Behind him, everyone was wishing Chen Yan a happy birthday.

But his gaze fell on Song Zhi's eyes, as if his soul had been snatched and sunk into it for a long time.

In fact, Chen Yan was completely indifferent to the fact that he turned eighteen, and he was not interested in the whole party.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that eighteen years old was uniquely interesting.

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