【5】Against The Code

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"Oh, Olivia... Your an asset. A way to get him to talk."


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Olivia leaves the animal clinic quickly to go look for Derek. She tries calling Derek but, of course, no answer. She sighs, if she can't reach Derek... Then maybe she can check another box, talk to her dad about Kate.

She rushes home and when she opens the door, the house looks pretty much empty... "Dad?" Olivia called out. No answer. She sighed, a lot of people aren't answering her lately. She walks around the house and when she walks up the stairs to her room she sees Kate. 

"Kate?" Olivia asked as she slowly walk into her room. 

Kate turns around with a small smile, "How long have you and Derek been talking?" She asked.

Olivia glares at her, "Where is he?" She scoffed. Kate walks closer and Olivia steps back, "Really? Your gonna attack your own family?"

"Oh, Olivia," Kate laughed. "Your an asset. A way to get him to talk." She pulls her fist back and punches Olivia in the face.


Derek hangs from the gate when the metal door is pulled open and Derek looks up. Kate comes in, dragging something behind her. She throws it forward and Derek sees Olivia. She groans and Kate grabs her and cuffs her to the wall, "Kate... Stop..." She groaned and tryed to get out. Kate rolls her eyes and sits down at the table near the control box for the electric fence.

Derek looks over at Olivia with concern, "Your own family?" He scoffed.

Kate shrugs, "It's what has to be done..." She waits a minute just looking through his stuff and occasionally throwing glances  at Derek, "Come on, Derek. He killed your sister. Now, either you're not telling me because, well, you want to kill him yourself..." Kate shrugged. "Or, for some reason, you're protecting him." She scoffed with furrowed brows. 

She continues to look through Derek's stuff and pulls his ID out of his wallet, "Look at that sour face," she pouted, mockingly. "I bet you always used to get people coming up to you saying, "Smile, Derek!" "Why don't you smile more?" Don't you just wanna kick those people in the face?" 

"I can think of one..." Derek gritted through his teeth and Olivia let out a quick puff of air.

Kate turns to him with a smile, "Promise? 'Cause if I thought you'd be that much fun, I'd let you go." Derek continues to glare at him and she turns around to keep going through his stuff, "All right, let's see... Nothing... nothing... nothing... God, I hate this detective crap." 

Derek, getting fed up with her, snaps, "Are you gonna torture me, or are you just gonna talk me to death, huh?"

" Oh, sweetie, I don't-I don't wanna torture you," she cooed and stood up, "I just wanna catch up! Remember all the fun we had together?" Kate stands in front of Derek with a small smirk. 

Olivia | D. HaleWhere stories live. Discover now