Chapter 9

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Azrael was laying on his bed and chilling while watching television, when he heard someone tapping his tent flap.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"Ajax, Ms. Annabeth told me to get you. I have no idea why though," a young muffled voice said.

"Alright, I'll be out in a second," Azrael replied, he put on a chiton and his mask. He unzipped the flap and was met with a young boy, he had sea-green eyes, perhaps another half-brother.

"How old are you, Ajax?" Azrael asked.

"I'm turning ten next month," Ajax said, grinning at him.

"Really, I will get you a present then. Are you a son of Poseidon?" Azrael asked.

"Yup. But my brother, Dominic, he is mean to me. I don't like him, that's why my friends and I are very happy when you beat him in a match," Ajax replied, he then held Azrael's hand.

Azrael knelt down and said, "Did anyone train you on your powers yet?"

"No, they said I'm too young, they only let me handle wooden swords," Ajax frowned.

"Then, let me train you. I will be your friend," Azrael said, holding out his hand.

"Really? Can you train my friends too?" Ajax's lip curled into a smile.

"Of course. Meet me outside my tent when the meeting is finished," Azrael said.

"Thank you, Az!" Ajax grinned wildly.

"Az?" Azrael questioned, looking confused.

"Your nickname, can I call you that?" Ajax asked.

"Sure, I better get going. You should train with your wooden sword, maybe I'll even get you a real one," Azrael said, giving him a cheeky smile.

"Thank you, Az! See you later!" Ajax yelled as he ran to the training court, turning back to wave at Az. Az chuckled at his behaviour before putting out a cold expression. He walked towards the Big House.

"What took you so long?" Annabeth demanded.

"I got held up, but I'm here," Azrael said as he yawned. He took a seat besides Clarrise.

"Where's your wreath, lost it already?" Dominic mocked.

"Eh, I don't want to wear it. What's the point of this meeting anyway?" Azrael said in a bored tone.

"We are here to discuss the new threat," Annabeth said. She took a seat next to Dominic.

"Why should I trust you to not betray us? After all, you are the one who spread rumors and lies about Perseus Jackson," Azrael scoffed.

"Those gods don't know what they are talking about, that traitor got what he deserved," Annabeth said, her eyes flashing dangerously.

"Your evidence?" Azrael said, playing with a dart in his hand. Annabeth was speechless, she couldn't think of any excuse all of a sudden.

"What are you trying to do? Frame my wife?" Dominic said defensively.

"I never asked you. Anyways, I was just asking to see if she had evidence supporting her accusation," Azrael said, suddenly throwing the dart at the dart board behind Dominic, hitting the bullseye.

"What are you trying to do? Kill me?" Dominic shouted.

"I am very tempted. But without you, there's no one to comfort me that I am not the ugliest," Azrael said. Dominic huffed.

"Can we please get on with the meeting?" Clarrise asked, she is very guilty about not believing Percy and had enough of the argument.

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