1 | Where It All Went Wrong

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Midoriya walked downstairs to the common room, seemingly in a great mood. Ever since they had introduced the dorms, Class 1A had bonded better than before. Bakugou and Midoriya were even beginning to get along better ever since they fought that night in Ground Beta. Though, they still weren't allowed to be left alone in a room together.

A sweet smell lingered from the kitchen area, smelling like their class chef's pancake recipe. Sato was there, cooking what looked to be pancakes. He was watching the pan, waiting for the moment where he could turn it over, allowing both sides to brown.

It was a Saturday morning, so there were no classes today. The dorm building would be quite empty today as some went out on weekends to visit family such as Todoroki visiting his mother.

"Breakfast smells good, Sato!" Midoriya said as he walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass from one of nearby cabinets.

No response.

Maybe he didn't hear me? Or maybe he's trying to focus on making food! Yeah, I shouldn't have distracted him.

He poured himself a glass of milk as he watched Sato cook the pancakes, fascinated by how he was flipping them so effortlessly without accidentally getting them stuck on the ceiling. He still remembered the time when he and his mother had tried making pancakes. Key word: tried. They had ended up on the ceiling, which took a lot of scrubbing to get off completely.

He walked into the dining area, pulling up a chair as he waited for breakfast. He looked around the table. Uraraka, Iida, Aoyama, Tokoyami and Ashido sat at the table with him. They looked like they were having a conversation together, although he couldn't tell if they were having an agreement or an argument.

"Hey guys!" Midoriya greeted.

No response.

Maybe they are busy too? They did look like they were deep in conversation, maybe I interrupted them.

He sat there in silence for a while, listening to the vague conversations of his friends as his mind travelled to a different space. He wondered why no one could hear him.

Was he invisible?

Did he get hit by a quirk last night?

Was he dead?

He was interrupted as Sato walked towards the table, holding some of the plates. Midoriya didn't know how, but the teenager was balancing three plates in one hand and two in the other. Shoji entered after him, holding the rest of the plates with his quirk, three plates on each arm. But, unfortunately, no plate was for him.

That's fine! They probably just counted the portions wrong.

He went back into the kitchen, noticing how there were no leftovers for him to eat. Instead, he grabbed an apple. Looking back over at the table, his smile dropped a bit. The others who ignored him earlier suddenly in conversation with everyone else at the table. They looked happy, laughing and smiling with each other as they ate. A sad expression crossed his face.

Was I the problem?..

Not wanting to cause anymore 'problems' for his fellow classmates, Izuku walked back upstairs, still eating his apple. Maybe he could train to distract himself. Although All Might was retired now, surely he could still train with him.

He reached his room, quickly going inside to grab his training clothes. He also grabbed his phone to text All Might about the early training. The others would probably talk to him later, they were probably just tired. Sometimes sleep deprivation did wondrous things.

He finished getting dressed and walked back downstairs, slinging his backpack on his back. The others were still eating, paying no attention to him at all as he walked past.

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