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warnings | abusive parents , mentions of death

year 1020 AD

GOJO SHINYA watched carefully. His blue eyes piercing into the back of a young maid dressed in a tattered kimono that she had to stitch up the patches herself, she worked tiredly, quietly, and most of all - she worked obediently. Her name, as he recalled, was y/n l/n. The firstborn of the l/n clan. But depsite being born in such a esteemed family she was hated all because she didn't inherit her family's cursed technique or the ability to see cursed spirits. For this reason, both her mother and father sought to have another child, and that they did. This time a young son of five years old who has already shown signs of having both inherited his father's and mother's techniques.

When he first visited the clan as it was his duty as the next clan head of the Gojo clan and the next lord of the land, his first thought upon hearing the news and seeing the girl was simply a 'how pitiful' and he went on about his day.

But as luck would have it. He would get to know her, little by little.

He would learn that she was soft hearted and soft spoken. She never got mad, even when her own family was berating her or yelling at her. She never raised her eyes in defiance. She never yelled back. She never even slammed the sliding door.

He would learn that she was a lovely singer with a voice of an angel. Her little lullabies echoing quietly in the garden's of the l/n estate as he would find himself wandering around as talks with the l/n clan have concluded and he was given free reign to explore the place.

He would learn that she loves flowers and even tries to protect them when her own mother would come out and start ripping the small plants from the ground saying how y/n was "undeserving of such things as pretty flowers". Gojo knew he wasn't meant to witness the scene, but his six eyes allowed him to see a lot of things. He even got to see how y/n cried over the deadening flowers and how she would replant them in hopes that they would grow back.

He would learn that she flusters easily. As when she had caught his gaze unexpectedly one hot March afternoon, she had blushed profusely. Her (color) cheeks heating up greatly as her eyes would fixate onto the ground. Her hands gripping the broom a little bit more tightly as she resumed her sweeping. She was so cute, he mused.

So, he would learn and learn and learn many things. She was gentle, caring, soft, and cute too. He found that he wanted to hold her close as the weeks turned into months and months turned into a year as he would find himself visiting the l/n clan many times in hopes of seeing her.

The head of the l/n clan. Sojiro. Would take pride and his ego would visibly swell as THE Gojo Shinya would frequently visit his estate. Gojo honestly hated the man and wished that y/n was the clan head instead. At least then he would have someone pretty to look at instead of an ugly man, and ugly five year old who wouldn't stop smiling, and an even uglier wife who would eye him like a piece of meat.

But Gojo would tell himself that it was worth it. He would get to see y/n (even though it was at a distance) and he would get to make treaties and deals with the esteemed l/n clan. He kills two birds with one stone.

"You will offer this land to us?! Are you certain my lord?!"

Gojo gave a stiff smile and gave a dismissive wave of his hand, "please, I'm no lord yet. So, technically this land here is just a promise for when I come into power. Though, when I do become lord, I hope you will give me something else in return along with your devote loyalty."

Sojiro could only bow to Gojo. His forehead meeting the floorboards, "of course Lord Gojo, whatever you wish from us will be yours!"

Gojo clapped his hands together as a smile adorned his face, "splendid! I'm glad to hear it, but for now...I'll wait to tell you what I want. Once I become lord of the land and take my title as the head of the jujutsu sorcerers, i'll gift you the land and then tell you of my desires from your family. Will that suffice?"

"Of course Lord Gojo!"

Gojo smiled happily as he stood up, "good then! I think I'll take a small walk around the grounds and then take my leave. See you all in the next coming of days."

The family bowed, hell, even the five year old did after his mother urged him a little. But Gojo didn't care. His focus was to see the cute little maid he has been secretly pining after.

Well, that was until he had opened the door and walked right into said girl he was looking for. A crash sounding as a mess of dirty water and rags spilled at their feet. And when their eyes locked. Oh, the fear he saw within her (color) hues. He wanted to hug her tight and tell her it'll be alright, bit refrained from doing so. Instead, he watched as she got on her hands and knees. Head bowed to the floor, lips trembling as she apologized over and over and over again. Her tattered and mis-matched kimono getting dirty and wet from the cleaning water.

"I'm so sorry, Lord Gojo."

Her voice would tremble. Shake and quiever. He didn't need the six eyes to know that her parents and even little brother were glaring daggers at her. Oh, how he wanted to sweep her off feet and whisk her away right then and there. But it wasn't his place. He wasn't exactly a lord yet after all.

Sojiro would quickly apologize as well as he would get his bearings. And as Gojo found himself in a new pair of clothes and ushered out of the estate. He had wished to see y/n one more time. But the head of the l/n clan seemed eager to usher him out most likely because he wanted to "discipline" his oldest daughter for causing such a mess. When in reality it was Gojo's fault just as much.

But he decided to leave it at that. Merely smiling and saying it was alright. Waving a dismissive hand as his usual walk around the grounds was postponed. He reckoned he could see her again (properly) some other time. Hopefully without fear in her eyes.

But alas.

Gojo Shinya would not see her again.

Because apparently she was beaten to death that same night. When he heard the news he had a sort of .. fell into silent fury dwelling within him.

A girl he had fallen for from a distance so easily taken from him depsite him being a sorcerer and having the six eyes.

For the rest of his days after that, he vowed to find her again for it was written in books of old that pure souls with tragic endings got second chances.

So with reincarnation embedding itself into the deepest parts of his mind, he vowed to see her again. For he had a tragic end too. I mean, he didn't end up with her after all, right?

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