assistance 2

50 1 0

After about 2 hours yn and zay felt like they've know each other for years talking and sharing laughs

Y-*laughs zay he's 18


Yns phone started ringing

Y-"hold on one sec"

She answered


Lola-"um... are u dead"

Y-"no I'm not dead"

Lola-"is there a dick in your stomach"


Lola-"was there a dick in your stomach"


Lola-"its been like 4 hours where are u"

Y-"im at the mall still"

Lola-"u didn't spend any money"

Y-"no I met a friend and he didn't let me pay for my stuff"

Lola-"ooohĥhh mkaayyy"


Lola-"is he cute"

Y-"yeah he's very handsome"

He rolled his eyes and smiled

Y-"and he's blushing rn"

Zay-"no I'm not"

Y-"yes u are anyways u ok"

Lola-"yeah I just masterbated 4 times"

Y-"omg why do u tell me these things"

Lola-"because I think u should know do u wanna see my toy"

Y-"no I don't wanna see your toy"

Lola-"ok I won't show u my toy"

Y-"what u bout to do"

Lola-"probably run around the block naked and see if I can find a boyfriend"

Y-"oh can she come"

Zay-"sure idc"

Y-"we have plans tonight and zay has friends well they call him papa their like 17 and 18 their boys"

Lola-"what u mean by plans is this a porno your trinna get me in"

Y-"i- no girl were making brownies and watching movies"

Lola-"oh ok can I bring my weed brownies"

Y-"idc just put a label on them"

Lola-"ok I put a big white tape on it and Imma draw a dick on it"

Y-"u just like saying dick"

Lola-"it flows so smoothly around the mouth especially when u say it loud"


Zay-"dont u knock me out this chair"

They stopped running and hugged him tight

Cam"why are u being so mean today"

Kyle-"u has a boogie"

He put his finger to his nose he popped him


Zay wiped his nose the boys sat down

Y-"ill text u the address when I get it"

Lola-"ok im bringing soda and wings"

Y-"ok dress sleepy"

Lola-"otay I'm stealing your leggings"

my random Ideas pt 3Where stories live. Discover now