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Jukai Mori
september 20th
(yes i changed the fc don't question me)

Jukai Moriseptember 20th (yes i changed the fc don't question me)

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"jakobe please what does that even mean?" i said mugging him

we was currently sitting in his car while he told me stories about every gun he had and why he used it.

"listen the beam just make it more dramatic so i had to act dramatic with it" he said laughing putting his gun back together

"then we have my favorite gun with the switch on it, i remember my first time using it, rip ben" he said laughing

"oh my god kobe that is not funny" i said bussing out laughing

i never knew how bad street life got, chance and my father tried they best to keep me away from it when i was growing up. but the stories get funnier each time it's new one.

"but nah, i want to take you on a trip somewhere i've been thinking" he said nodding his head

"a trip ? we only been talking for a couple days" i said confused

"what's that supposed to mean?" he said scrunching his face up

"it means we barely even know each other, plus i still have my son and my business to take care of" i said shrugging picking up my phone to see k3 calling me

Community dick is calling ..
"what's wrong with my son?" was the first thing i said
"what nigga you riding around with ?" he said sounding mad
"jaazah new step father, why wassup?" i said laughing
"i hope he know how to shoot" he said trying to sound intimidating
"boy get the fuck off my phone don't call me unless it have something to do with my child"

hanging up i immediately got irritated, like boy go to hell seriously.

"let's go to the beach" kobe said

"i don't have any more swimsuits" i said pouting

all my old ones got a little smaller since i've had ja i've gained weight in all the right places

"we can go buy you some, plus i need some new swim trunks" he said starting the car up going to target

walking around target we ended up getting more than swimsuits

"you ever wonder why john wick went so hard about his dog?" i said pushing the cart to the register

"man i would've sent shots behind my lil man's too" kobe said laughing putting everything on the lil belt

"yea but he was really going at it for like 3 movies behind a bitch and a dog" i said laughing about to pay for our stuff

but it was too late kobe already smacked my card out my hand

"what happened to taking turns paying for stuff?" he said tapping his card

"i forgot i just paid for lunch but you ain't have to pop me like that" i said rolling my eyes picking my card up

seeing kobe shake his head and grab his bags we both walked out the store getting in the car to go to the beach

"kobe where we supposed to change at?" i said confused

"right here in the car, i'll get out while you get dressed" he said hopping out the car

giving me enough privacy to change since the tints on his car was real dark

"kobe i'm done, you can get in and change now" i said getting out

watching him hop back in the car i called chi and mari to tell them where i was

calling My girls🩶..
"bitch you said y'all was going to the mall and out to eat, why you at the beach?" chi said mugging soon as she answered the phone
"girl my man wanted to take me to the beach the fuck" i said laughing at her
"no seriously why is you at the beach going on 12:30 at night ????" mari said
"he trying to kill you" they both said at the same time
"i'm not trying to kill my girl, go the fuck head" kobe said scaring me and them

hurrying up and hanging up my phone i laughed making kobe mug me

grabbing his hand we walked through the sand playing in the water, i finally felt a little happy and at peace.

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