19: Dark Night

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"Anviiiiiii........Anviiiiiiiiii" Rudra called out. Anvi was standing at the threshold of Rudra's Father's house. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She had a disappointed look on her face. Her lips were curled in a sad smile.

"Anvi..." He tried to cross the living room to walk towards her. He needed to know what was wrong. But his legs won't move. He tried to move with all his strength but his body won't budge. He felt a raw panic in his chest.

"Anvi...." He breathes out. He was not able to voice his fear. He was not able to breathe. The pain in his chest was spreading to his fingertips. Anvi gave him a sad smile and turned to walk out of the door. He could not see anything out of the door.

"No...no....where are you going? Don't go." Rudra could not voice his thoughts.

Anvi turned towards him and whispered with a sad smile "Rudraji...."

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Rudra screamed as his whole body jerked him out of his slumber. His body has broken into a cold sweat. He was panting like a drowned man. He was trying his best to breathe as if his body had forgotten how to live.

"What was that?" He murmured. He was trying to recall his nightmare. Although he could not correctly remember the details, the sad smile on Anvi's face kept flashing in front of his eyes...

"Ahhhhh" Rudra bellowed with frustration as his hand frantically searched for his phone on the nightstand. He felt the urgent need to hear Anvi's voice. He called her in the evening as soon as he reached the hotel. He was so tired that he slept after the call. But the nightmare had him panicking like crazy.

"God.....I am an idiot" He cursed. His phone was discharged completely. He rushed towards his bag to pull out the power bank and connect the phone immediately. The unsettling feeling in his chest was growing with every second.

"Damn...why is this phone taking so much time to charge ... .I just need 1%...come on...fast" Rudra was a very patient man. But at this moment all his patience was slipping through his fingers. He was about to switch his phone on but was interrupted by my loud banging on his door. His heart wrenched as if warning him of the impending disaster. He pressed the power button of his phone and rushed to open the door. He came face to face with Dr. Anil. He had his phone in his hand and his face had a grim expression.

"Chaturvedi...it's your father" Dr. Anil passed the phone to Rudra. Rudra just stared at the phone. Every resolve, every peace inside him shattered as he stared at the phone. He knew that his Anvi was in danger.

"Chaturvedi..." Dr. Anil shook him by his shoulder and nudged the phone towards him.

Rudra took the phone and placed it over his ear.


"B..Betu....listen to me very car–" his father's cracked voice broke him some more if that was possible.

"Papa..." He interrupted his father. "Just two questions...answer them honestly." A deadly silence followed. "Is Anvi's heart beating?"


"Which hospital?"

"R&R" With that he disconnected the phone. He stood there trying to breathe, trying to force his brain to work, trying his very best to not fall apart.

"Chaturvedi....you need to move.." Dr. Anil held him by his shoulders. Rudra just shook his head. His lips trembled with fear and his tears rolled down his cheeks. He was paralyzed to the spot.

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