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My stomach churned.

Neither he nor I said anything for a moment. Eventually, I was the one who opened my mouth first.

“Do you know 「 Flowers Bloom In The Abyss 」?”

Eden nodded slowly as he opened his mouth.

“I know. I read it.”

It was the first time I had opened up about a story like this, so it felt as if tears were about to burst from my eyes. Because of that, I deliberately asked a strange question to stop myself from crying.

“Do you usually read those things?”

“It’s not like that, but…”

“When did you possess into the book?”

I asked before he even finished his words.

…Someone from the same world. As those words were repeated inside my head, there were numerous questions floating everywhere.

“Calm down. It was about a couple of months ago.”

“It’s the same for me. May 18th?”

His head moved up and down slightly at my question.

“So, it’s the same day…”

I continued to mutter dazedly when I realized the fact, “So, you and I were both transmigrated here on the same day…”

“…I’m surprised I’m not the only one here.”

“That’s what I’m saying. It’s not the universe’s genre rules.”

“…I won’t ask what rule of the universe that is.”

“Hngg, What am I supposed to do… I thought I was alone until now.”

Amid the whirlpool of complex emotions, a sense of relief and homogeneity had increased in volume. When I realized that I was not alone, I wanted to sit down and cry… I was not alone. There was someone who could put our heads together.

I kept my mouth shut for a while because of the stuffy nose before eventually opening my mouth again.

“I asked my handmaid to stalk you. I’m sorry.”

Eden seemed a little flustered at my words, though he shook his head.

“No, it’s fine… What do I call you?”

I was now sniffling my nose.

“Sniff—Just call me Your Majesty… Because that’s what everyone calls me now.”

“Well then, Your Majesty. Anyway, I never thought that there was another person in the same situation as me.”

“I thought so, too! Because I died on the first page in the original. How would you know if you’re not the writer?”

“I was wondering how you know… Your Majesty even compared my behavior with the original work.”

Eden gazed at me with a complicated face. However, I did not have any shame.

“How can I not recognize it when you’re so different from the original…? By the way, I feel so at ease because I’ve been so nervous about dying.”

It has been too long since I have been able to talk comfortably, so I rambled on about this and that without thinking. Maybe, that was why the conversation between Eden and I did not take direction easily and circled around the outskirts of the subject for a while. However, I could not stand outside with him this long. The shorter the meeting, the better.

My Villainous HusbandΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα