16. Tinkerella

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You see his men coming out from under the covers, and before you know it, you are surrounded on all sides. You were about to shoot when one of them kicks your gun away.

"Fine!" You take your stance, "Try not to cry,"

The men charge at you, and you start defending yourself. They are strong and you're outnumbered, but you have the brains, and your utility belt tied around your thigh.

You put your left hand in a pass-through pocket of your belt and the pocket tightens around your palm leaving your fingers open, in mere seconds. You pull it sharply, detaching it off the belt. You close your fist and four sharp knives protrude past your knuckles like claws. You use it to tear down two men.

You kick away some punches when you see the guy with the suitcase walking away. You get distracted for a second, and you feel a hard punch on your face making you taste blood.

You grown, and kick hard at his balls. As you watch him squirm in pain, you feel hands holding your arms from the back, stopping you from stepping on it again. You try to get rid of it but they are stronger than you thought. A third guy punches you in the stomach. You groan.

"I was gone just for a minute," you hear through your comms.

You sigh-smirk.

Tony whooshes over your head in his Ironman suit, firing at the men holding you down,

"and you had to make a scene,"

He slowly howers above the ground in front of you, shaking his metal head in disappointment. You can feel his judgy eyes behind those slits,

"I expected more. What did you say you were again?"

You brush off your arms and roll your eyes,

"You brought your suit?"

"You forgot your cerebrum? Who asked you to engage?"

"Who asked you run to your suit? Ironboy got scared?" You mockingly frawn at him.

"I'm already pissed, Tony, don't make me shoot you," You say picking Sizzle up, "he went that way," pointing the gun in the suitcase man's direction.

"Ah! I would love his company over yours,"

Just when you open your mouth to let him know that was offensive, Tony whooshes after the target leaving you alone with the collateral. There's nothing to watch.

You flip the hands of almost lifeless men with your shoes, to check for anything useful. They all had the tattoo, but didn't had their mobile phones on them. They seem to be sleeper cells.

Suddenly you can feel a tingling sensation on your right arm. You look in the direction to see silhouette of a man. You can feel his eyes on you. You quickly get on your feet and point the gun at him.

"Y/n?" The silhouette says. You can recognise the voice.

"Maybe if you stop hiding I might say your name too." You put a finger on the trigger.

He walks towards you, and the light starts to rise from his boots, to his pants, to his shirt and finally his face.

"Ryan?" You let out a sigh of relief putting the gun down, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"No, you don't get to ask that question, okay? I called you multiple times and you didn't pick up! I thought something went wrong in the tower, And surprise! I see you out of nowhere in the middle of my mission. You are supposed to be in New York. What are you doing here? Tell me that."

STARK STRUCK (Tony Stark × Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang