1 Wayne, 2 Waynes are there anymore? I see more coming to the door

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Things have taken a term for the better since the circus incident. My new siblings aren't tiptoeing around me anymore, though some things are still awkward. This is expected; they haven't known me for long, but at least we don't feel like strangers anymore. I join the others out on the rooftops on the rare, clear nights, though not for patrolling. Bruce still hasn't given me the green light to go out yet, but to gaze at the stars.
Not that they know I'm there.
I've been trying to indulge my obsessions suddenly. But it's hard to do that in Gotham. It's always so cloudy and dreary it's hard to get a good look at the sky, so besides those rare clear nights, I'm forced to read books or watch documentaries to hold me over. Acting as a protector is even harder. Gotham already has heroes, and with the majority of them already knowing I'm here, living under the same roof, it would be obvious that it's me.
So, I have been forced to focus on other areas, such as creating a functioning ghost portal. While getting to know my siblings has been fun, I still have work to do. I can't stay away from the Realms for long, not if I want to achieve peace. Thankfully for me, what is considered a long time for humans is not considered a long time for ghosts. Thankfully, now I'm allowed to stay in the cave alone, but I know I'm still being monitored. They might trust me more, but not enough, not yet. I would have started working on it earlier, but I didn't want to talk to Bruce about its necessity. But after a few weeks in Gotham with nothing but corrupted residual ectoplasm to survive off of, I regret not telling them sooner. I could tell something was wrong; I was more snappish and angsty than necessary. So, in the end, I caved and explained it to them. They were all kind of horrified about needing to live off of toxic green glowing death juice, but they know I have no other options.
Who knows, maybe it will help Jason? Having clean filtered ectoplasm around, plus access to the Realms, might help with the corrupted leftovers still in his system.
That will be something to test when the time comes.
Who better to look after him than Frostbite?
So Bruce gave me my own little section of the cave to work on the portal and for whatever projects I come up with in the future. Tim likes to stop by every once in a while just to make sure everything's going okay. After hearing about the Fentons' version of the portal, he's worried about my potential breaking of OSHA violations.
Taking away all my fun.
Who needs to worry about welding their fingers together when they can just have their fingers go through the material?
Not me, but Tim says otherwise.
I've become resigned to his worrying, so when Tim pops up while I'm working on wiring, I don't flinch as he says, " Gloves, Danny gloves." I hum in response to show that I'm not ignoring him. I hated when Jack and Maddie would do that.
Tim groans, finds a chair, and watches me work. Just to make sure I don't accidentally electrocute myself. Once I get done with a group of wires I'm working on, Tim asks, "How long do you plan on working down here?"
I start on another group of wires and say, " I don't know. Why do you ask?"
"Steph and Cass are on the way back. Their plane should be landing in about an hour,"  Tim says.
I start to work slower as I ask, "Do they know about me? That I'm here?"
"No, not yet. Cass was trying to infiltrate some gang in Hong Kong, but she needed some backup, so Steph went along. Besides General check-ins, we've been no contact for a little over a month,"  Explains Tim. "Would you like to go with us to get them? Will be getting lunch. It would be nice to leave the house for a bit?" I don't say anything, so he suggests, "You could get to know them while we eat."
I bite my lip, thinking things over, then put down my tools and look at Tim, " I think it would be better if you left me here. While I don't know them, I know I wouldn't want to have a new sibling sprung upon me without any warning."
Tim walks over to me, " They wouldn't feel like that–"
" I'm new to the manor. I've invaded their space without their consent,"  I say deadpan, "How else would you expect someone to react?"
Tim huffs as his phone goes off simultaneously with mine. Tim is the only one to look at the message, "  Bruce said to come on. It's time to leave."
I return to work, " I'll see you when you get back."
Knowing he will not win this argument, Tim leaves the cave and joins the others in the car.
I watch Drake come to the car by himself, " Where's Danyal?"
" The cave," Drake looks at Father, " he said to go without him."
Father rubs the bridge of his nose, "Did he say why?"
" said he didn't want to feel like he was an intrusion," says Drake.
"He does realize he is family, right?" asks Richard, " he has every right to go too."
"Maybe Baby D is just nervous," suggests Todd, " Everything's been pretty sudden. Adding on two more people might be pushing it for him," he looks at me, " Did he have problems like that when you were younger?"
I take a moment to think about it, "Not that I recall," the car makes its way down the driveway, "  but much could have changed in our time apart."
I don't want to be rude or mean, but I just couldn't go. It just didn't feel right. When meeting new people, things are always a hit or miss, more often on the side of miss. I don't want to get a bad start with the people I'll be living with for the foreseeable future, and I just know if I had gone to meet them, I would have screwed it up. It's better to let the others handle the awkward conversation about why I'm there invading their house. I don't want to see the weird looks, questioning how I came to be, my validity. When I showed up with the Fentons, I screwed it all up.
Jazz was the one to find me. Being the concerned person she is, she took me to her parents, and they tried to do right, finding the proper authorities. But she pressured them into taking me along when no one turned up when I claimed I couldn't remember anything. They showed up at Maddie's sister's house, Alicia, on the way back to Amity Park. She threw accusations at Jack, and claims of potential unfaithfulness were going about.
How much Jack or Maddie said that wasn't true didn't matter. Maddie's side of the family never really believed them. To them, there's always the possibility that they were lying, trying to save face. Jack and I looked similar enough, so I understood why they could think so, but I've had enough of being called a bastard.
Doesn't matter that I truly am one.
Showing up to meet the last two Wayne's, official or unofficial, being a mere replica of Damian, wouldn't help matters. I know they will have questions, but I just don't want to be there for them.
I can't go through that. Not again.
So, I finish up the wiring for the portal. Instead of quiet, I blare various music and screw over OSHA regulations. Doing what I do best: creating. With no one there to walk in on me, I see no problem with levitating parts to me when I need them, using telekinesis to hold things in place so I can screw them in. When alone, I don't have to worry about being walked in on. I can get a lot done. The design of this portal is different from the others I've seen. This one isn't made out of spare parts like the Fentons, nor is it made out of the most expensive materials like Vlads.
It's made out of stainless steel.
With my strength and Bruce's tools, I've made the portal shaped like a horseshoe, round at the top and flat at the bottom. All wires are covered up by metal plating. No one's tripping over wires in there, not this time. All in all, it's almost done. All that is left to do is make a pump for the ectoplasm, and then it's safe to fire up.
At this point, I've been working for hours, and I'm in a grove. I was summoning more screws to me out of the toolbox when Dumpty Humpty stopped playing over the speakers. I whip around to see who it is, to see Bruce, causing me to lose focus over the screws.
They fall to the floor.
I don't know what to do, so I  just stand still. I'm unsure how Father feels about using powers inside the manor. I can tell he's resigned to them being used on the battlefield, knowing that they're useful, but at home, using them domestically is another thing altogether.
I watch Father pick up the screws, walk them over to me, and place them on the workbench. I look for any change in his expression to see if he's mad about the power usage, but I don't see any. Then, without saying anything to me, Father walks over to the portal and expects it. He looks around for any exposed wiring before stepping inside. Father places his hands on the inside of the walls, checking for any loose parts. Once done with his inspection, he walks over to sit in the same chair Tim was in hours ago. Father gestures me over; the two of us sit in silence. Until Father says, " You've gotten a lot done."
I look at my portal, "It's not that hard. I helped the Fentons with parts of theirs, and I've seen the finished product. It's not hard to recreate."

" Is the design exact?" Father asks.
" A recreation. I have the original blueprints," I say, getting up to get them, " but I made a few changes."
Once Father has the blueprints in his hands, he looks them over.
I can't help but be self-conscious as he looks at my notes, as I have things crossed out on the margins and corrected on sticky notes. The original is hard to read, let alone understand. Maddie and Jack aren't known for using exact measurements or technical terms. Unfortunately, when they started the portal, Maddie let Jack draw it. It looks like it was made by a kindergartener.
Maddie and Jack have their own conversations written on it, mostly about fudge and what to have for dinner, but also about their theories about what the "Ghost Zone" would look like. Father takes his time reading it over. I can see his eyes going back and forth between their version of mine. I'm not sure what to think. This man is known as the world's greatest detective. He's highly intelligent. What if I made some kind of mistake? Is there something I didn't catch? I look at him worried, but Father just raises his hand and ruffles my hair, "Good job."
" What," I say, surprised.
"You've made good improvements to the original. Looks to be a lot safer, too," Father grunts, "What else do you have left to do?"
" I just need to make the pump for the ectoplasm, then connect it. Should be good to turn on after that," I say.
" Humm," Says Father, " so I take it you're not coming with us to pick up the girls isn't due to your workload."
I sigh and look up at the stalactites, "No, it just didn't feel right."
Father crosses his arms, "Explain it to me then."
"I don't know if you'll get it," I say, "but it's like I told Tim. I didn't want to intrude. They don't know me, and I've only heard of them in passing or stuff I've seen on the news. They're just getting back from a mission, right?" I look at Father to see him nodding, "They probably just want to relax. Not worry about the new kid up in their space."
"While surprised, they don't find you unwelcoming. Cass is excited about her new little brother," says Father. 
"And Steph?" I ask.
"While not officially adopted, Stephanie is part of the family. She, too, was excited for you to join us," Father says calmly. I don't say anything, not really sure what to say, but Father interrupts the silence, saying, " We brought you back some food. Why don't you go up and eat? Meet the girls later." Father gets up and makes his way toward the elevator, "You coming?"
I put the screws back in the toolbox and go up.

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