Chapter Nineteen

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Here we are again ... I'm embarking on a new journey of a fanfiction story. This time, we're going with a post-apocalyptic vibe. I recently watched The 100 on Netflix. I'd been intrigued to write a story based off that show/series of novels. I decided to write it for NaNoWriMo. I'd starting almost halfway through the month, but I'm determined to, at least, get something going. My goal is to finish the story for NaNoWriMo July Camp ...

Chapter Nineteen: At the Mountain


I was sitting at my desk, trying to make plans for Bella's rescue, but coming up with nothing. I was angry, scared, and sick with worry. I had to save her. I absolutely had to.

Think, brain think!

"Newton to Cullen," Mike called over the radio. "You've got some visitors."

"I'm busy," I snapped to myself. I picked up the radio, keeping my voice even. "I'm working, Mike."

"You'll want to see these visitors," Mike pressed.

"Unless it's Jacob, returning Bella, I don't want to see anyone," I snarled. "I've got to figure out how to save her and being interrupted? Not. Helping." I went to turn off the radio when it crackled again.

"Edward, it's your mother ... please, let me see you. It's been so long and from I'm hearing, I'm worried about you," Mom said. "Your father and I both are."

I leaned forward, pinching my nose. Hearing my mother's sweet voice made my heart lurch, missing her and my father. It also made me want their comfort, even if I didn't deserve it. Bella was taken under my watch. I promised her that I'd keep her safe, and I'd failed. I'd failed her in the worst possible way. "I don't deserve your support or your love ... I failed her, Mom." I swiped my fingers under my cheeks and wiped away tears. "I'll meet you in the dining hall. Cullen out."

I picked up my radio, clipping it to my belt and standing up on shaky legs. I walked to the elevator, punching in the code and rode up to the dining hall. I saw my parents speaking to Renee and Sinclair. I walked over to them. My mother's green eyes welled with tears as she ran to me, throwing her arms around my neck. She clung to me, sobbing quietly into my shoulder. I awkwardly patted her back, looking at my father.

"Es, you're smothering Edward," Dad said, gently tugging her away.

"I needed to make sure he was real," she sniffled, wiping her tears. "You look good, son. Healthy, but haunted."

"Bella was taken," I hissed. "Jacob Black, he used one of his men to capture Bella for reasons unbeknownst to any of us. I'm sick with worry. I can't lose her. How much do you love Dad?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Mom asked.

"Answer the question!" I snapped.

"Edward, I understand you're under stress and you're worried about Bella, but it's not any sort of reason to yell at your mother," Dad quietly, giving me a disapproving look.

"If something happened to you, Carlisle, I'd be a wreck," Mom admonished lightly. "And, to answer your question, I love you father more than life itself. He's my best friend, my confidante ..."

"That's what I have with Bella," I breathed. "And, the son of ..."

"The son of the man who raped me," Mom choked out. "He took her?"

"He also tried to ..." I gulped down bile. "He beat the hell out of Alice after he tried to ..." I pulled out a chair and took a deep breath. I sat down, looking up at my parents. "I'm sorry that I'm so short with you. We're in a holding pattern until we hear back from our scouts. They left early this morning and Bella was taken about an hour ago."

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