7- champagne problems

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"Because I dropped your hand while dancing, left you out there standing"

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"Because I dropped your hand while dancing, left you out there standing"


present; narrative

Ignoring Caitlin seemed to be easier now. When we were in the same room she kept her distance, no longer trailing at Kate's side when she came to talk to me. She didn't even dare to look at me, finally acknowledging that I wanted nothing to do with her now, or ever. Of course her new attitude didn't go unnoticed by everyone else. When the cheerleaders would meet up with the basketball players the tension was thick. I tried my best to act normal for everyone else's sake but it still wouldn't work.

Of course all the cheerleaders except Liv were convinced Caitlin had a crush on me and was acting this way because of that. I chose not to tell them the truth, letting their imaginations run wild since everyone knowing about the breakup would cause more issues than it already was. Some girls even wanted me to talk to Caitlin and 'get to know her', Liv was always quick to shut down the idea knowing I wasn't strong enough to do so myself.

As much as I was capable of completely shutting Caitlin out to her face it had been eating at me ever since. Her face as I moved away from her basically imprinted in my thoughts. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her at practices just imagining what was going on in her head. I was hanging on by a thread to not run to Caitlin and apologize for something that completely wasn't my fault. That was my nature, I couldn't stand the idea of someone being mad or upset with me. Having to live with myself for 2 years not understanding why I had been broken up with in the first place made my head spin but when I got here and realized it was actually me who was mad and not her, my mind was put at ease. Now it was no longer just me, Caitlin was upset and I couldn't live knowing I had made her upset.

"Daph, wait up." I turned around to see Kate jogging after me. Once she reached me she slumped down, out of breath. I loved Kate but how the hell was she finding my classes and stopping me from going to my next one. "You walk so fast."

I just laughed awkwardly, trying to avoid the way everyone glanced at me and Kate who was still bent over trying to catch her breath.

"How did you find my class?" I decided to ask, sensing that she was going to take a while to get to her point. I figured Liv had told her but I just wanted her to tell me why she had followed me anyways, didn't she have her own classes?

"Liv told me where to find you." She finally stood up straight, linking our arms and continuing to walk the direction I was going before she stopped me. Kate didn't even have a backpack, looking like she just came from practice or bed.

"Why did you need to find me?" My questions were still hesitant, I hated making a scene and Kate didn't seem to mind running through everyone just to find me.

"What time are you done your classes, we should hang out." She smiled at me and I had to hold back the face I wanted to make. She ran here, followed me and screamed at me just to ask to hang out, something she could've said in a text.

twenty two- Caitlin ClarkWhere stories live. Discover now