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Later I was just walking to my dorm with miles when a group of boys came up to me

"Ey what's yo opinion on Jae!" They shouted and shouted

I looked back at them confused and miles looked uncomfortable

"I told him earlier I have a boyfriend...leave me alone" I mumbled grabbing miles' hand and walking away

A train of "damns" and "She's dead wrong's" erupted from the boys

"Sorry miles...I talked to him about it earlier and I thought he understood..."

'Looking back on this now

Considering how much stronger our love is now since we've been dating for 3 years

If this woulda happened recently I would've just dropped him

But I was young and stupid'

"Thanks y/n...I love you" he smiled down at me

When he said that my heart did 15 backflips

I'm truly in love

(Writers block is a dick)

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