Chapter 23 - Blood Red

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By the time Sherlock had left the scene and returned to the flat, daybreak was tempting the horizon.

His body slumped into his chair, glancing over only to realise you were curled up asleep. "Should've told you to take my bed," he whispers gently, walking over and taking you up into his arms.

While he opted for the couch, you weren't sure why he didn't take the space next to you. The lonesome feeling in the morning after a perfect night took you by surprise when you woke up, and guilt swept into your system when you saw how uncomfortable Sherlock looked.

"Sherlock?" You knelt by his side, fixing his curls, watching him slowly wake up. "Should've joined me,"

His eyes widen a little, ridding himself of any sleepiness, "sorry,"

"Don't be sorry," you kiss his forehead before standing up, "I have to go through, I'm so sorry,"

"Don't be sorry," he mimics your words and slowly sits up. "Would I be seeing you this afternoon?"

"How about tomorrow?" You cup his face, "I'll text you,"

Nodding at this, Sherlock leans back down with a yawn and watches you leave for his room, not knowing when he had resumed sleep and when you had properly left.

All he knew was the warm feeling in his chest wasn't heartburn, his peaked heartbeat wasn't anxiety or adrenaline, and his trembling hands were not early-onset tremors.

It was love.

And god, he was falling faster and faster, he just hoped never to hit the ground. It was an unequivocal high to kiss you, feeling your body against his, with your hands in his hair.

"I'm in love," he mutters, half-asleep, finally accepting that his heart laid in your hands.


"Alright, tell me now," you burst into Jim's study. "What was wrong with my dress?"

"Nothing," he yawns, looking over some files.

You laugh, "See, I knew you would- wait, what?"

"I said nothing was wrong with your dress," he leans his head on his knuckles, "you looked gorgeous; it was a perfect choice,"

Looking around the room, you back up and check the hall before turning to him. "Okay, who are you, and what have you done to Jim Moriarty?"

"Oh shut it," he stands up, "you looked amazing. What I'm more concerned about is Holmes,"

Your heart sank to the pit of your stomach. "It was just a kiss,"

"I've gone over this with Sebastian, and I could care less what you choose to do," he adjusts his tie, "I just need to know you have a proof procedure if he finds out about Thorn,"

"He won't." You assure.

"I'm sure he won't, but the chance he never will is unlikely, so I need to know you have a safe house, emergency alias and money stashed," Jim takes out a large box from a filing cabinet.

"No, I don't have that," you mutter, walking over to sort out your plan. "Do you think he'll try and arrest me if he finds out?"

"I'm actually not sure, which is why I need you on high alert," he takes out a spare file and lets you pick out a fake alias that you like. "I know it isn't ideal to think as such, but I can't let you become sloppy because of feelings,"

"I promise I won't be sloppy," you settle on an alias and choose a safe house as well as a new country in case you need to leave England.

"I know. But this is all precautions," Jim places a hand on your shoulder, "you're still my friend, Y/n, and while I don't exactly show it well, it means I care a lot about making sure you're safe,"

"I know, I know," finalising the file and stashing it in your bag, you give him a gentle smile after sighing, "Thank you,"

"You're welcome... now, let's sort this Rockwell problem out and get it over with," he leaves the room, gesturing for you to follow.


"An exclusive criminal club?" Lestrade stops and goes over the words he just heard. "How come Scotland Yard doesn't know about it?"

"Because half the people who would tell you about it have been and are still being paid off to keep their mouth shut," Sherlock rolls his eyes, holding up an invitation. "I trust this will be kept as a private investigation, Lestrade,"

Greg was torn but ultimately agreed with a nod. "And if we find Thorn?"

"We identify him and go from there." Sherlock looks at John, who is ready to get this Thorn business done and over with. "This Friday, be ready because he's not getting away again this time."


"I can't believe we have to go through this again," you watch as your measurements are taken for your new clothes. While the club was an exclusive event, it was also treated as a show where criminals could flaunt wealth as much as they could.

Think of the Met gala, but less than legal.

"Come on, you know you have fun when trying on the final piece," Sebastian notes, sipping at his coffee while the tailor starts to show you fabric to choose from, as well as a range of designs.

Suits and gowns, two-piece tech-wear and an elegant ensemble fit for the best. It was difficult to choose, but at least Jim was honest when it came to his criticism.

"Suit," Jim decides, "make it easy to move in, so let's have this fabric," he looks to see your agreement before choosing a colour from the array of samples.

"I want it red," you step down from the platform you stood on. "Blood red."

You and Jim shared a similarly sinister smile, his outdoing yours much easier, but the plan on your minds had your heart racing in anticipation.

God help the Rockwell sister.


Hope y'all are excited- I'm lowkey still writing the ending sooooo stayed tuned !!

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Hope y'all are excited- I'm lowkey still writing the ending sooooo stayed tuned !!

- Anna ❤️

Bouquet of Thorns: Sherlock x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now