Chapter 24

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She pulled Ghost up. "Hey. Let's get you cleaned up."

​​Ghost's attempts at coherent conversation were feeble at best. He mumbled something that sounded like, "You're an angel, Althea," before bursting into a fit of shivers.

Althea couldn't help but chuckle softly as she guided him to his bathroom. "Well, I'm not an angel, but I do make a mean bowl of lukewarm soup," she teased, though her worry was evident in her voice.

Ghost leaned against the bathroom wall, swaying slightly. "You... you're a goddess," he slurred, a drowsy smile on his face. "Taking care of me like this."

She couldn't suppress a smile at his fever-induced flirtation. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Ghost, now take off your shirt." she replied, but her tone was gentle as she helped him undress. Ghost was usually so composed, and seeing him in this state made her heart ache.

As he struggled to remove his clothes, Althea couldn't help but blush, looking away as he undressed as if she weren't even there. "There you go, all set," she said once he was down to his boxers. She helped him step into the shower stall, making sure the water was warm but not too hot.

Ghost blinked at the showerhead as if it held all the answers to the universe. "You're a warm...angel, too," he said, his voice laced with feverish confusion. He reached out, and Althea quickly turned on the shower, letting the warm water cascade over him. "Call me Simon."

Althea shook her head, her face becoming flushed again. "Ghost. You're not well. Wait until you get better-"

"Please?" Those eyes, looking straight at her were just so... pretty. Althea just couldn't say no.

Althea chuckled softly, shaking her head. "You really are out of it, Simon. Just focus on getting better." She handed him a bar of soap and a washcloth. "Try to clean yourself up a bit, okay? I'll be right outside if you need anything."

Ghost nodded, a look of determination crossing his flushed face. He clumsily started lathering soap onto the washcloth, but his coordination was clearly compromised by the fever.

Althea stepped out of the bathroom, giving him some privacy but staying close enough to hear if he needed help. As she waited, she couldn't help but think about how rare it was to see Ghost in such a vulnerable state. His usual stoic facade had crumbled, and she found herself feeling a mixture of concern and affection for her teammate.

A few minutes later, Ghost emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped haphazardly around his waist. He still looked a bit unsteady on his feet, but at least he was clean. His disheveled appearance somehow made him even more endearing in Althea's eyes. She blushed again when she saw the towel barely hanging on. She suddenly found the floorboards the most intricately designed floorboards she had ever seen.

He gave her a lopsided grin as he approached. "Did I do okay?"

She couldn't help but laugh. "You did great, Simon. Now, let's get you back to bed." She offered him a hand, and he took it, leaning on her for support.

As she led him back to his room, Ghost's fevered mind seemed to have latched onto the idea that he was the smoothest operator in the world. "You know, Althea," he began, his words still slurred, "I've always thought you were... amazing."

Althea couldn't help but smile at his attempt at flirting. "You're not so bad yourself."

He grinned wider, his eyes half-lidded. "You're beautiful," he whispered, his words barely audible.

Althea's heart skipped a beat, and she felt her cheeks warm. She knew it was just the fever talking, but it still made her heart flutter. "Thank you," she replied softly, helping him back into bed. She could hardly tell who was burning up more at this point. "Now, get some rest. We'll have you back on your feet in no time."

Ghost nodded, his eyes already drooping with exhaustion. As she covered him with blankets and adjusted the damp cloth on his forehead, he murmured something that sounded like, "You're my savior, Althea."

Althea couldn't help but smile down at him, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. "Sleep now, Simon. I'll be here when you wake up."

Just as she was about to leave, Simon's hand shot out, weakly grabbing her wrist. His feverish eyes locked onto hers, and his voice was a whisper.

"Althea. Stay with me," he mumbled, his words barely coherent. "Please."

Althea's heart ached as she gazed down at Simon. He was so sick that he couldn't even tell where he was. He must be really sick if he was acting like this towards her. Her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and concern.

"I'm not going anywhere, Simon," she assured him, her voice soft. "I'll stay right here."

Apparently, he thought that wasn't enough, because he pulled her under the covers with him. Even sick, he was still so insanely strong. Althea could barely resist with how tight he held her, his embrace warm and toasty.

"Wait- Simon-" She stiffened when he tugged her in as if she were nothing more than a doll, but eventually, she couldn't help but melt into the warmth and comfort under the covers. She felt so guilty. It was as if she were taking advantage of him, but she couldn't help but enjoy the comfort. She couldn't help but remember all the times when she thought he would give the best hugs due to his large frame.

Her cheeks burned with a blush, and she couldn't help but smile through her worry. As Althea found herself wrapped up in Simon's feverish embrace, she couldn't deny the strange mix of emotions swirling within her. Concern for his well-being battled with the unexpected comfort of his warmth. She knew this was just a result of his illness, but it was hard not to feel a rush of emotions in this intimate moment.

Simon's- Ghost's -Althea had to get used to calling him Ghost again. He was a lieutenant, for god's sake.-grip on her remained strong as if seeking solace in her presence. She couldn't help but gently stroke his hair, trying to provide some comfort to her teammate in his time of need. With each stroke, a fluttering sensation stirred in her chest, an odd and unfamiliar feeling she couldn't quite place.

She sighed. "Ghost, you're going to get me sick." But he only hugged her closer.

The room was filled with the sound of Ghost's labored breathing, and Althea couldn't help but reflect on the depth of their bond. They had been through so much together as part of their team, and seeing him in this vulnerable state made her realize just how much she cared about him.

As she lay there with Ghost, she couldn't help but let her own exhaustion creep in. The stress of taking care of him had taken a toll on her as well, and the warmth of the covers was surprisingly inviting. She felt her eyelids growing heavy.

"Rest, Simon," she whispered softly. "We'll both get some sleep, and you'll be feeling better in no time."

Ghost's feverish murmurs faded as he drifted off into sleep, still holding onto Althea as if she were his lifeline. With a weary but contented smile, she watched his chest rise and fall, his strong arms clinging onto her. Before she could stop herself, she shut her eyes, allowing herself to succumb to the warmth and comfort of the moment. Yet, beneath it all, that strange fluttering feeling in her chest remained, a mystery she couldn't quite solve.

A/N: Hey everybody! I'm sorry for not posting yesterday, I actually got sick (yes, I know it's ironic since this is the chapter I'm posting today) But I do write all of these chapters at least a week in advance so I thought it was funny since I actually had a really high fever yesterday. 

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!! I am still not feeling well, so I might not respond to any comments or anything for a little while, but I hope everybody has a wonderful day!!! I love you!

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