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My confidence and smugness was suddenly knocked out by the nurse who came in. She asked if I was ready for my MRI and X-ray, and I nodded.

For a second there, I wasn't sure if I was happy with her interruption. I finally found my courage to confront my husband about his extra activities, but at the same time, I was also relieved that I would be away from him and breathe again!

The nurse then explained the procedure in details, and I felt at ease because she was very knowledgeable and reassuring.

"I just need to ask a few questions before we wheel you to your first examination room," she informed me. "Are you pregnant?"

"No," I answered immediately and somewhat defensively. I straightened my back and held my chin high, almost in defiance. "I'm a hundred and one percent sure. Trust me, I'm not pregnant." I convinced her even more, even though I knew she already believed me when I answered her initially. I even wanted to add that my husband hasn't touched me yet, let alone shown any interest in me, but it's a bit much.

I don't know what's gotten into me. I've heard that question twice already today, and it just annoys me. Well, I wanted to start a family, but my husband was too occupied for it. Why does this question always fall on me? They should ask him, not me!

The devil in question was standing behind the nurse. His brow raised at my reaction, as if he wondered why I was being so defensive.

I glared at him in response, remembering how he had ruined my dreams. Yes, I didn't pursue my singing career, and now the prospect of a family was far from my reach as well.

I was stuck in this loveless, childless life I was leading. I was resigned to a life of loneliness and regret.

Divorce him!

I swear I could hear Selena's voice ringing in my head as I continued to complain about my dear husband. But damn it, it was easy to think about it, but I didn't have the heart to do so!

Annoying demon.

The nurse then asked me some more questions about my medical history, which made me refocus my attention on her. After we finished, she smiled and handed me the patient's gown. "You need to change into this. Also, as I mentioned awhile ago, MRI machines are very sensitive to metal objects, so you must remove all jewelry and anything metal. Including your wedding band."

"Gladly!" I replied with a smug look on my face as I remove my ring in a swift manner.

"All right. Do you need help changing into the gown?"

I was about to say yes, but to my surprise, my caring husband already had the gown in his hands. "I'll help her." Aside from authority lacing his tone, there was a sharp edge to it too, as if he was holding something in. His gaze was intense and I could feel this has something to do with my snarky behavior.

I saw a you're so lucky to have a hot and caring husband look on the nurse's face. I mentally rolled my eyes at her reaction. Oh Ms. Nurse, if only you knew! A smile spread across her face as she said she'd be back shortly.

Soon after the nurse left, Theo closed the distance between us. He put both of my hands around his neck and gently lifted me up. His arm snaked around my waist as he helped me balance my gait, making sure I wouldn't use my injured foot while standing.

Because of the height difference, my face aligned with his chest. I could feel the warmth radiating from his skin, his steady heartbeat, and the soft fabric of his Oxford shirt. I breathed in his scent and it was enough to send me into a state of intoxication.

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