The Villainess Doesn't know the meaning of love

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Chapter 5: A Night of blood moon (Death)

The peaceful night arrived, nishimura family went out to dinner with their children's. Rinuri observed something disturbing about the moon's appearance.

Reiko:Let's have dinner outside. (She invited her husband, sons and daughter )

Reinaldo & Rinuri & Rinsuke & Rinariko:Yes we're coming. (They replied )

As they open the door of the hotel to eat dinner at a nearby restaurant of the hotel, rinuri look at the moon. Rinuri called his mother and told her what he saw.

Rinuri :Mom I saw the moon with a blood like red color. (He whispered to her mother's ears )

Reiko:Really!!!!!(She was shocked )

As they walked down the road a car purposely crashed rinariko. Reiko and rinuri stopped walking and tried to chase the car but unfortunately the car got away fast.
Reiko and rinuri checked rinariko's condition but their too late to save rinariko's life. Rinariko was crashed by the car and lost a lot of blood. The nishimura family headed straight to the hospital.

Rinariko:Thank you for everything. (She said before her last breath)

Reiko and the other members of nishimura family cried that entire night. They arrived at the hospital and the doctor announced that she was dead.

:Stay strong my child we can still save you. (she said while crying )


Reinaldo :Carry your sister carefully rinuri. (He said to rinuri and gets a stretcher )
????:What is the situation of the patient???(The nurse asked)

Reiko:Please save my child. (She cried)
The doctor arrived and checked the vitals of rinariko, but unfortunately he can't find any pulse rate  in rinariko.

????:I'm so sorry to say but your daughter is dead. Minutes after the accident  occurred your daughter lost a lot of blood and the moment you arrived in the hospital, she already  left the world.I'm very sorry ma'am. (He said)

The nishimura family can't accept the fact that their youngest child already left them. That night they brought rinariko's body back to the hotel and packed their things and went back to their house.


Reiko:Thanks doc. (She said)
???:Before you all leave please forgive for being rude, we forgot to introduce our names. (He replied )

??? &???:I'm Nurse Graciel Washington and I'm Doctor Franklin Wayne. If you need help again don't forget to contact us. (They gave their calling card to reiko )

Reinaldo :Let's go back to the hotel and packed our things to go back to our house. (He said to his family )
"Shimazaki Hotel"

Reiko:Packed your things and your sisters things and put them inside the car. (She said)

Reinaldo and his 2 sons headed straight to their room and packed all the things inside the room.
A few minutes later,  they gathered at the hotel's gate and went straight to the parking lot of the hotel and drive's back to their mansion.

"Nishimura Mansion"

The maids and bodyguard from the mansion welcomed them back.They even carried rinariko's body with them and headed inside the living room of the mansion.

Maids &Bodyguards :Welcome back madam, sir, young master's. (They said)
Reiko and the other headed straight to the living room and discussed about rinariko's funeral.

The entire night the nishimura family cried. They didn't expect those things to happen to their daughter. The night ended with sorrow, mourning the lost of their daughter.

Chapter 6:  A day full of sorrow & uninvited visitors

The next day, the nishimura family prepared a funeral for their daughter. They invited other members of their family to witness and mourn with them.

"Nishimura Mansion "

Reiko:Let's prepare some foods. (she said to her son's while knocking the door)

Rinuri:Ok please wait a minute, we need to wash up first. (He replied to her mother, while preparing his clothes to wear)

Reiko:Ok but make sure to help us in cooking food's for the funeral. (She replied and immediately go downstairs )

At exactly 7:00 am in the morning the 2 son's of the nishimura family went straight to the kitchen. The members of the nishimura family arrived one by one.

"Kitchen "

Reiko:Are the ingredients for every recipes complete?(She asked the maids in the kitchen )

Yeri:Their are some ingredients that haven't been bought for other recipes to be served madam. (She answered )

Reiko:Then we should asked someone from the maids to buy the missing ingredients for the recipes. (She said, while asking some maids to buy ingredients to the supermarket )

Yurielle:I can buy the ingredients needed for the food's to be served. (She replied )

Reiko:That's a big help yurielle. (She answered while getting money from her purse.)

Yurielle went out of the mansion to buy some ingredients needed, while rinuri and rinsuke are helping out serving the cooked foods to the guest who visited rinariko's funeral.

"Supermarket "

Yurielle:I must buy the all the missing ingredients. (she said to herself )

An old lady from the supermarket saw yurielle struggling in choosing fresh ingredients to buy. The old lady decided to help her.

???:Are you struggling young lady?(The old lady asked)

Yurielle:Yes im hesitant to pick some ingredients. (She replied )

???:Don't worry I will help you. (She said while smiling )

Yurielle and the old lady picked some ingredients and have fun while choosing fresh ingredients to use.

After a few hours,  they finished buying all the ingredients they need. Yurielle thanked the old lady that helped her.

"Near the supermarket road"

Yurielle:Arigatou gozaimasu oba-chan. (She said)

???:Dou itashimashite ojou-chan. (The old lady replied )

Yurielle said goodbye to the old lady, after that yurielle went back to the mansion.

Yurielle:Goodbye oba-chan. (She said while waving her hand to the old lady )

"Nishimura mansion"

She saw the oldest family member of the nishimura's crying so hard, because she didn't really meet her granddaughter. The more she moved closer to the kitchen, she hears people crying, mourning for the lost of their grandchild.

She even hesitate to enter the kitchen,  but what she saw that day traumatized her. She saw some  faceless people in the kitchen besides every person's . She tried to warn the people in the kitchen, but they are also trembling in fear.

Yurielle :Am i dreaming, i can see something unexplainable. (She questioned herself )

Maids:Oh, yurielle your back. (They said)

Yurielle then asked them if they can also see what she just saw that afternoon. The maids are stuttering while answering the question. The maids are already trembling in fear.

Yurielle :Can you see the faceless people behind your backs?(She asked while trembling in fear)

Maids:Ye........  Yes............. We............. can see them......... (They replied )

The entire day ended with tears in their eyes and trembling in fear for what they literally saw that day.

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