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Visiting and Leaving

Visiting and Leaving(Edited)

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Flash-front to...
Year 1985...
3rd POV

It has been four years after Sirius had been imprisoned in Azkaban, his dear daughter, (Name). A special name her mother chosen, while he named her middle name, after his favorite cousin, Andromeda who ran away and married a muggleborn named Ted Tonks.

Sirius lays in the prison cell, hair disheveled, his face showed that he had aged, cheeks sunken in indicating that he was not fed well.

"Bloody hell, my hair!" Sirius cries dramatically as he touches his hair in worry.

"Godric... Pads, only four years you look terrible." Remus looks in worry.

Everyone was shocked that the future Sirius that was imprisoned in Azkaban looked in bad shape. They heard stories that prisoners there went insane due to the Dementors that drains happiness and hope from humans. No one can willingly escape or enter Azkaban as it was in the middle of nowhere with water surrounding the building.

There's not one second, he did not think of his little star, he was crying for the first few days and night there, worried that she would have hated him for leaving her. Little did he know, she still loved him to the moon and back no matter how many people say that her father is considered a murderer.

Sirius' tears up as he listens to the story. His daughter is determined and stubborn to understand him when everyone doubted him for his accusation.

The father daughter duo had never spent more than a few days away from each other, they yearned each other's presence. He misses her calling him 'daddy' or 'papa', her first words were Jay, which he thought was a bit odd since Prongs' name was James, she couldn't pronounce it properly, thus stuck with calling him Uncle Jay. He would stare at the sky during the night, stargazing at every star that he can recite by heart. Praying to Lady Magic, Hecate to protect his child from the demons and monsters of the night.

Every single day, the dementors passes by his cell to drain him from his happiness, but his love for his darling and brave daughter was the strongest, the memories he spent every day with her was never drained out.

Sirius nodded his head in agreement. Even if he haven't met his child yet, he would burn the world just for her to survive, he would die for her to ensure that she survives in the cruel world.

James was smirking at Sirius, teasing him that his daughter's first word was his name. Sirius rolled his eyes and hit him back playfully.

Parents who listen to this were proud, a parent's love is unconditional and no bounds.

His favorite was when she had started walking when she was 8 months old, it was special. All his friends were there, Prongs, Moony, Wormtail, Lily, Alice and Frank. They were having tea; it was then he saw that she was standing next to the couch next to Moony. He quickly stands at least 6 feet away from her, arms opened wide, calling her to come over. As she lets go her grip the couch she took her first steps, slowly but surely, she did not fall over, in a blink, she was already in his arms as he picks her up and twirls her in happiness. The little lizard on the coffee table was smiling with her tongue out, happy that her familiar was growing well.

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