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【19】One Day At a Time

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The return to Trondheim wasn't as amazing as our way down south. The weather was rather cloudy, so I couldn't gorge on Norway's beauty as much. It didn't matter, though, because the splendor of the Westergaard estate was enough to satiate me.

Yuko was waiting for us with lunch on the stove when we arrived. After some warm reunions, we all ate her beef stew together before moving on with our day. Reginald ignored me for about an hour or so, apparently displeased to have been abandoned so carelessly. His resolve quickly wavered, though, and he accompanied me downstairs to the collection.

Although Ulrik and I hadn't talked about it yet, my pending departure loomed over us like a silent threat. Soon, my stay here would reach three weeks, and while I worked hard enough to justify it, I'd have to return home eventually. Possibly before the week ended.

That reality lingered as I tried to dive back into work. Things would change even if Ulrik came to visit often. I wondered if our story, still so young, could survive the long distance. Between my demanding work hours and his, we'd struggle to make time for one another.

It seemed I wasn't the only one with it in mind, though, because when I emerged out of the collection early in the evening, I found Ulrik busy in the kitchen and a beautiful table set for two people with candles that had yet to be lit and what must have been crystal glasses and fine china.

"Are we celebrating something?" I wondered as I approached him. He looked mighty appetizing, with his light blue button-up shirt and the anthracite apron tied around his waist.

"I thought I'd cook us something, and we'd have a nice evening together."

"Anything in particular that you have in mind?"

"Well, I thought we could talk about what comes next. You'll have to leave soon, and I... I'm not sure I earned my keep yet."

I didn't answer because I wasn't sure either. Yes, I didn't want things to end so quickly, and I hoped we'd keep this thing between us alive. But I wasn't naive enough to think everything would be perfectly fine, even with the North Sea separating us. We were both physical beings, and the most functioning aspect of our relationship for now was the sex. I adored his brain, too, and his mind, but would it be enough in the long term?

The fact that I wasn't rushing to reassure him made him doubt it even more, of course. His brows came together, his expression turning somber. Because I didn't want him to worry about an uncertain future, I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his muscular build.

"One day at a time, yeah? We can't tell what the future holds for us, but what I know for sure is that I haven't had my fill of you, Norseman. I want so much more."

"The sentiment is reciprocated, love."

"Then I think we're good?" I said with a smile, rising up to kiss him.

He bent down but taunted me, his lips half an inch away from mine. "We are?"

"You'll come visit me in London, right?"

"Of course, elskling. I'll probably move there for the time being, with Yuko and everything."

"Then we're good," I asserted, moving swiftly to lock lips before he teased me some more.

Before whatever was sizzling in the pan could burn, I ripped myself away from him. "Do I have time to shower before dinner?" I asked.

He looked around the kitchen, discontented. "The real question is: do I have time to join you in there?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "All of this smells too good to be ruined. You keep cookin', Norseman, and I'll go get ready for a romantic evening."

He allowed one last peck before I left him alone in his sumptuous kitchen, surrounded by all those mouth-watering scents.

The Collector's CurseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora