Epilogue: Challenge Shared

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Dear Junia,

I hope this letter finds you well - and that it finds you at all! I'm addressing it with your surname to Strandmouth and hoping that the postman there knows your family. Even if you didn't end up there, perhaps your brother will know how to forward it to you.

For safety reasons I cannot tell you where we ended up. Once the war in Brivania ends, I will tell you where to find me, or come visit you myself. As it is now, with the fights still raging in the heart of Brivania, I cannot risk anyone finding out our whereabouts lest we are used as political prisoners or hunted down. Just know that we passed a border, and that we are safe. Everyday I keep you and Robert in my thoughts and hope that you two reached safety as well. I have heard the war didn't reach the shore, so I have high hopes for your wellbeing.

As luck had it, we met Lady Sommer while fleeing the capitol. She was escaping the fights to an estate she had received after the death of her grandmother, near Hummington Hills. I am aware you two were not close, but she is a familiar face, should you need one while I am still unreachable.

With funds from the jewels I brought with us we bought a small piece of land with a hut. It's a far cry from the palace, but we are adjusting to this small town just fine. We are still viewed as outsiders, of course, but I do not believe anybody recognised us as the daughters of the feuding monarchs. We are just common people in this very small town. You would be surprised seeing me now, doing my own laundry and sewing clothes.

Kava sustained an injury during our escape that got worse during our travels. She is still recovering, which is a difficult task for her body since the town lacks even a doctor - the closest one is a day away on horseback, and Kava isn't fit for journeys like that.  Her condition is getting better slowly, yet she still insists on making traps and snares for me to set up in the forest. It helps feed us while I look for a job and look after her. I don't know what I would have done without Kava.

That is all that I can write to you now, but I hope that the times become peaceful again soon and we can meet safely. I miss you and Robert dearly. I would love for you two to come live in our town, if you just so desired. I am sure you'd find it as endearing as I have.

Send my love to Swiss Cheese.




Lady Sommer,

Happy first day of spring!

I have heard that the war is nearly over. That is wonderful news! The peace can't come soon enough, I want to send both you and Junia my location so that you can come and see the place we settled in.

And what a wondrous place it is!

We have a house right on the edge of the forest, pushed back from the town proper. On the way to the town there is a small lake, and a river cuts through the market like a blue ribbon. I couldn't imagine a more picturesque town to stay in.

Even now my fingers are itching to write down where we are, but Kava is shaking her head. We have to stay safe no matter what. Perhaps not that long is left until I can reveal our whereabouts.

Kava has made a full recovery from her wounds. It was a tough battle, but she is back on her feet and livelier than ever. We hunt in the forest together and sell whatever we don't need on the market. It is a great way to make our living, since the town lacked a proper hunter and a butcher. We provide both, so the townsfolk took a liking to us right away.

I play the violin for locals with a small band during various events. You would be proud of how quick I learnt to play folk music instead of the proper banquet tunes. I enjoy it much more as well. It's a great opportunity to get involved with the community.

Kava is more withdrawn as of yet, but she is slowly warming up to the locals. She runs odd jobs whenever possible, but she mostly focuses on hunting and butchering. I mostly have to take over the selling part, since the locals are scared of her imposing posture. We really have to start working on softening her neutral face!

What this town mostly lacks is education. Once the townsfolk discovered I can both read and write, I was asked numerous times to help with various tasks. That gave me an idea that perhaps once the peace is established and the roads are traversable, you would consider moving here? This town is not as luxurious as the ones you are used to, but the people here are honest and welcoming, and this town might provide a fresh start, should you think you need it. We could use your excellent skills - you would be a delight as a teacher to educate people in the matters of reading and writing. I know a lot of locals who would be eager to learn. Besides that, we would love a new member to our little band.

Do not feel pressured, of course. Just a visit from you will make my heart soar.

Soon, my friend. Soon I will tell you where we are so that we can reconnect. Perhaps just a few more days.





The roads are peaceful once again.

If you have not yet found a place to settle in, we will welcome you with open arms. The forests here have excellent game and I have missed your presence. I am including a map with the letter. Come to Riverside.


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