Ch 26

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Chapter 26

As soon as Yuyao left the drugstore, she heard the boss's instructions to his apprentice, as well as his own thoughts.

Yuyao shook her head. She could understand the lack of people's hearts. Being greedy to this extent was too much.

Therefore, she did not try her luck at other pharmacies and simply set up a street stall on the spot.

Her stall was set up and crowded with people coming and going.

But the result was actually similar to what the drugstore owner expected. Ganoderma lucidum is a high-end medicinal material, and few people can afford it. Most of them come to watch the fun.

She had already noticed the drugstore owner's apprentice secretly watching her, including the drugstore owner's secret observation.

Yuyao saw through the boss's tactics. He first suppressed her transaction price in all aspects, and then forced her to sell the goods at a low price. Judging from the smoothness of his entire operation, this was not the first time this profiteer had done this.

Similarly, this just shows that the drugstore owner is determined to hack her stuff, so we have to see who can hold it steady.

Yuyao didn't panic at all. The more people watching the excitement, the better. It would be better if there were so many people that the drug store owner's psychological defense could collapse in advance.

Sure enough, not long after, the boss's apprentice came to inquire about the price secretly.

Yuyao held it in both hands and asked for a price: "One hundred thousand."

"How much more?" The young apprentice was frightened and stuttered.

The onlookers gasped, and the accompanying PD who was secretly filming was also shocked. She could really ask for a price.

Yuyao stood firm: "One hundred thousand, not a penny less."

At this price, the drugstore owner could make a fortune if he changed hands, so it would be good if she was willing to give in.

The crowd didn't know the reason and gathered around talking about it.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, one hundred thousand, my God, how much is this."

"Little girl, you have to take it easy, how can you ask for such a price? We have never sold Ganoderma lucidum, how can it be sold at such an expensive price? "

If you want to sell sincerely, don't yell about the price, or you may scare away your big buyers."

"Girl, this is your first time selling Ganoderma lucidum. Ganoderma lucidum isn't worth much. We only sell it for tens or hundreds of dollars at a time."

 The young apprentice agreed, "Everyone is right. These Ganoderma lucidum are not as expensive as you think." So valuable. Little sister, I sincerely buy your Ganoderma lucidum, and you also sincerely give me the price."

Yuyao shrugged her shoulders and said, "If you don't think it's expensive, just turn around and leave. Anyway, in your eyes It's also a worthless thing, why are you surrounding me and asking me to sell it for a cheap price?"

The young apprentice was speechless for a moment, and after being vague for a long time, he said, "I see that you are working hard in the sun, and I want to help you. Who can I know you don't appreciate it. Let's do this. I'll give you 10,000 yuan, so you can sell it or not."

"Thank you for your kindness. I won't bargain."

The crowd was even more anxious than Yuyao. This is 10,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan. I don't want to sell it. I'm afraid this girl is not a fool.

"This girl is so stubborn that she can't change her mind at all. I told you that Ganoderma lucidum is worthless." 

"Ten thousand yuan is a lot. If you continue to hold it, be careful not to smash it in your hands."

"The little girl is too greedy. You still want to sell it for 100,000 yuan, but I don't think you'll ever be able to sell it in your life!" 

All the onlookers accused Yuyao of being greedy and stopped to watch just to see how she would step down.

"Borrow it, borrow it..." At this time, a man of medium build squeezed out from behind the crowd. He was wearing a mask, a magic mirror, and a fisherman's hat, covering his head tightly.

As soon as he squeezed in, he squatted in front of Yuyao's stall and observed the Ganoderma lucidum on Yuyao's stall.

"Hey, girl, your stuff is pretty good, how much is it?"

"One hundred thousand!" The enthusiastic crowd answered for Yuyao.

The crowd was all looking forward to it, waiting for the man to be frightened by the price. Unexpectedly, the mysterious man touched his chin and nodded thoughtfully.

"One hundred thousand for each plant, the price is quite fair. How about I take it all for you, and give you a total of five hundred thousand?" 

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