Chapter 9

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Today, Stray Kids were all at the dance studio to start practicing for their new songs. Excitement filled the air as they prepared to unveil some of these songs at their upcoming concerts. With so many options to choose from, they decided to practice the ones they thought would captivate the crowd the most. The practice had started with their older songs, just to make sure they were still in sync with each other. The moves were ingrained in their souls, but they wanted to be fully prepared, leaving no room for error.

"Let's take 10," Minho calls out in the studio, scanning his eyes at everyone's exhausted state. As soon as those words reached their ears, they all collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath. Changbin and Jisung's loud cry echo in the studio just as they hit the ground, thankful for the break. Minho had pushed them to their limits, so any break was more than welcome. He walks over to Felix and Hyunjin, who were sprawled out on the floor, breathing heavily.

"Felix, Hyunjin, get up. How about we show these guys our moves for 'Taste'," Minho says proudly, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips as he glances around the room, taking in the sight of their weary bodies. Groans escape Felix and Hyunjin as they struggle to catch their breath. Hyunjin, lying on the ground, turns his head to gaze at the ceiling before locking eyes with Felix. A silent agreement passed between them, their determined expressions silently conveying the message, "Let's do this." With a collective effort, they pushed themselves up, dusting off any dirt clinging to their bodies. The three of them had put their hearts and souls into perfecting the choreography for this song, keeping it a secret from the rest of the group until now.

"Are you sure they are worthy to see our moves just yet?" Felix remarks playfully, feeling the excitement building, making him forget about his aching body.

"Bring it on! I doubt its going to be any good..." Changbin retorts, forcing himself to sit up on the floor as he locks eyes with Felix. He's clearly egging them on.

"I'm sure it's going to be good, we can't wait to see it," Chan interjects before the boys start their banter. He was really curious to see their choreography for this song. The song itself was a hit in his mind so watching the moves along side the song would make it undoubtfully more spellbinding.

"Get ready to eat your words, Changbin Hyung," says Hyunjin, a playful glint dancing in his eyes as he winks at Changbin. Changbin blushes at the wink, not expecting Hyunjin to flirt with him. It was always Changbin who initiated it.

Ever since his heart-to-heart with Jisung two days ago, Hyunjin had become bolder around Changbin. He had decided that flirting with Changbin would be his way of coping, and surprisingly, it was working wonders. Turning the tables on Changbin had become his mission, and it was a lot of fun. He couldn't help but reminisce about the day they almost kissed, convinced that Changbin had wanted it too. Now, he was determined to confirm it, teasing Changbin and making him slightly uncomfortable. He should have started this playful game sooner, as it brought him so much joy.

He locks eyes at Changbin through the mirror in the studio, refusing to break his gaze as the rapper rose from his spot and makes his way to the back of the studio, settling himself on the couch. As soon as Changbin is seated, their eyes meet. Hyunjin positions himself in a way that would give Changbin a prime view of his performance, ensuring he could also catch glimpses of Changbin's reactions through the mirror.

"Channie Hyung, play the song," says Minho, getting into position. As the music starts to play, Danceracha begin their performance.


Changbin's heart raced as his eyes hungrily followed every move Hyunjin made. Hyunjin had tied his hair into a ponytail, granting Changbin a clear view of his enchanting eyes. Mesmerized by Hyunjin's body and the way he moved, Changbin felt a surge of heat coursing through his veins as he stared openly.

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