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Aadhya's POV

The next day, as planned, I am in the library with Aarav to do our project. We've completed a good sum of work so we decided on taking a break.

"Oh my god, that really happened!" I exclaimed while covering my mouth, trying to stop my loud ass laughter.

"Yup" He said slightly embarrassed

He was talking about how his mom caught him making out with his girlfriend that time. That is something so awkward to experience but extremely hilarious to hear.

"You know there is always that one friend who has been caught such a compromising situation" I raise my brows while saying

He simply shrugs while chuckling "Maybe"

"Okay fine let's get back to our work"

I nod agreeing with him. I take out my water bottle to take a sip since I was feeling a little thirsty.

Just when I kept my bottle aside I heard "Hey what a surprise!"

My face snaps to the right immediately to find Reyhaan standing with anything but an innocent smile.

What is he doing here?

I look at Aarav who looks at me with the same perplexed expression.

"Hi, why aren't you with the rest of them in the café?" I whisper given the library rules

He gives me an amused smile and then mocks me in the same tone "Because I wanted to study"

"What's your name again?" Reyhaan asks Aarav to which he stutters"Aa-rav"

"Good to meet you again Aashish" why is being a bitch today?

"It's Aarav" he corrects but Reyhaan comments "whatever"

"Can you please go to another table because we are going to discuss our project and it will be disturbing for you" I politely ask him to leave but the guy never gets a hint

"No no it won't disturb me at all" He retorts which honestly annoys me

"Reyh-" I further try to stop him but he interrupts me "I know I know I can sit here. You don't have to say, right Akash"

"Aarav. His name is Aarav" This time I correct him but he is rather interested in looking at Aarav who looks so stuck and scared.

Reyhaan can be so commanding sometimes or most of the times, hence without any choice Aarav helplessly agrees whether he likes it or not.

"See" Reyhaan purposefully stresses and moves next to the empty chair next to me and continues "Good that I met you guys, I can't study alone"

Now I'm certain he is high or drunk, because from when the fuck does he want a study group?

Ignoring him we start continuing our work.

The next one and half an hour we work without break but throughout the time he constantly keeps pitching his unwanted opinion or tries to make Aarav uncomfortable.

"Now that the background information is collected, we'll just send an online survey around for our primary research" I say while packing all my belongings

He nods while getting up with his backpack and says "yeah okay then I'll leave it's time for me to go anyway, bye"

"Alright bye"

I also started walking and for a minute I almost forgot about Reyhaan's annoying existence

"Hey! Wait for me" He calls out but I ignore. He soon catches up with me due to his long legs. He purposefully bumps his shoulder with mine

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