xxiv. moment of truth

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GHOST OF YOU::  xxiv

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:: xxiv. | moment of truth

It wasn't impossible, but it sure was a hassle. They found hook with the help of Milah and was able to save him. The first part was done, now it was time for part two. The hard part —— leaving.

Everyone was cooped up in the apartment, solidifying their exit plan because they only have one opportunity. They figured that their way in is Zelena. Since they've been there, hades and zelena sort of made a connection —— a love connection.

Because of that, it was decided to use that as their advantage.

Somehow convince Zelena to convince hades to let them go freely. The only person who could do that was Regina. Other than being sisters, the two now shared a unique bond. But just like always, hades has a trick up sleeve. He wasn't just going to let them go freely without a catch.

In this little trip, everyone managed to get something good out of it. Saving hook, closure, or reconnecting. It wasn't a waste like some probably thought.

Cassandra knew it too. She knew she had a decision to make and quick because since Zelena agreed to help, the getaway plan was already in motion. She already knew where to meet them if she so chose to go back to Storybrooke. But she had to do one thing before deciding and that was talking to Hercules first.

However, Hercules was nowhere to be found. Apparently not that too long ago, snow helped him move on with someone. So he wasn't alone in the process and Cassandra was grateful for that. After finding that out, she went back to her apartment to think.

She thought about her parents, Regina, Hercules. She knew Hercules would want her to be happy. But what was the point if she was going to watch the woman she loves walk around, holding someone else's hand. Then she thought bigger than herself —— the whole picture. Her parents.

But she still yet didn't have an answer.

• • •

Everyone was now getting on the ferry boat. It looked like their plan worked but that was only because hades had bigger plans and them going back was apart of that. Even though everyone was in a rush to get back, regina kept stalling because there was one person who wasn't there. She just wanted to give Cassandra extra time.

Emma noticed Regina standing close to the edge, looking into the distance for Cassandra. The blonde approached her, "We have to go, Regina."

The queen sighed, "Just five more minutes. She's going to come."

Emma glanced at her, "How do you know?"

ghost of you, 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now