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Ch 20: Monster (Hunter)

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The challenge hung in the air as thick as the falling snow. There was more than just power in the rogue's voice. Just like Hadyn, this man had the magic of an alpha who was no stranger to commanding a pack. Something August simply didn't have and never wanted.

What August did have was age and size. The rogue was old enough to have battled, but too young to have his arrogance tested by a bigger, stronger, older opponent. While the rogue was tall compared to the average man, August still towered half a foot taller and much broader.

He could do this. He could win.

Yet neither male moved from where they stood. Both stared at the other, sizing each other up and considering all angles of attack. They had the same goal, after all, and she was clinging to a tree less than twenty feet behind August. Kiya was conscious for now, but the longer this took, the more danger she was in from exposure to the harsh storm.

He had to end this now.

Patience, August reminded himself. He had the advantage of location. This was his home. These were his woods. But rushing in before the moment was right would only give an advantage to the rogue. The rogue seemed to follow the same thought process, and carefully paced back and forth. His glowing red eyes flicked back and forth between August, Kiya, and the small clearing around them, hunting for the best angle of attack.

Finally, the rogue kicked off, rushing towards August while drawing an unseen blade from his belt. He was fast. But August was faster as he called on the magic passed down through the bloodline of the goddess. Unfamiliar and wild, but it would be enough to end the battle quickly.

As the rogue closed in, August pivoted on one foot, dodging the attack. The rogue slid to a stop and turned to slash at August, who caught his wrist before the blade found flesh. The rogue dropped the weapon, twisting low to catch it in his other hand. Just as his fingers closed around the handle, August slammed his fist as hard as he could onto the back of the rogue's head.

Dazed, the rogue dropped the blade again, stumbling and jerking back to try and pull himself free. August tightened his grip, dragged him back and landed another punch to the rogue's jaw. The strength of the blow sent him reeling back into a pile of snow.

Instead of advancing, August backed up to close the space between himself and Kiya and snarled. "Crawl back to your den, rogue. The alpha of these mountains will not be so forgiving of your transgressions!"

The rogue laughed. The cruel, nearly manic sound grabbed hold of the wind and encircled August in a crushing grip. Blood trickled down the side of his face from his nose, lip, and a cut near his blazing eyes. "Twenty-three days," he called. "When the full moon rises once again, I will take what belongs to me."

With a final laugh and a howling gust of wind, the rogue vanished. Not even a trace of his scent was left behind. August waited, expanding his senses once again and waiting for the next attack. But the rogue was truly gone without a trace.

A soft whimper brought his attention back to Kiya. She'd lost her hold on the tree and was huddled into herself between the roots. August swore and ran to her, ripping off his cloak as he went. Her skin was so pale she was turning a faint shade of blue. Her shirt was torn at the shoulder, and nowhere near thick enough to protect her from the elements, and the collar and torn remains of the sleeves were frozen solid, as if they'd been wet before she went outside.

The only part of her that wasn't cold was the exposed bite mark on her shoulder. Tendrils of steam rose from the wounds. Blood dripped down her body and shirt, freezing almost immediately, and the spreading veins of the curse pulsed angrily. Between the freezing temperatures and the magic ravaging her body, it was incredible she was still conscious.

The Moonlit CurseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora