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Hello there, I'm J (Silmarilz1701)! I've been writing on Wattpad for almost a decade now. My love for the fanfiction genre led me to pursue a degree in writing and since then, I've traditionally published pieces in genres ranging from academia to journalism to poetry to fantasy. Collaboration and assistance from published or experienced authors when I was a new, teen writer set me on the path I'm on today, so I'd love to do the same for you! 

What to Expect From Me:

I'm a proponent of constructive criticism, but given in a way where you aren't left scrambling for how to fix identified issues or feeling like you've been slapped across the face. That being said, I understand that isn't everyone's cup of tea. That's why I'd like to offer two options for two different payments (see the next section for that). You will need to specify in your submission which you would like me to do.

Option One - The Sandwich Method

This is, in my opinion, the best way to receive con crit. I will read at least the first five chapters, and beyond if I feel I can contribute to the work in some way and if I am particularly enjoying it. I will look both for instances I found particularly moving or effective in your story and for moments where maybe I stumbled when reading or where I didn't understand things. I will focus mainly on these five chapters in the review published here.

However, you can also request I read up to three additional chapters from anywhere in the work where you wish to receive further feedback. In these three chapters I will leave in line comments related to elements of fiction writing (mood, tone, rhythm, pacing, etc).

This is where the term "sandwich method" really comes in. Constructive criticism is best given in this way. First a critique partner provides a specific example of what the writer did well. Then, they provide a specific moment of criticism. It is often best to follow up with a suggestion of how one might fix the issue, so the writer isn't floundering. And finally, any critique should end with a broader compliment.

Option Two - The Buttered Toast Method

This one is less detailed, and focused more on surface level feedback. Surface feedback is still super useful though! As with the previous option, I will read at least five chapters and provide feedback here in the published review once payment is received. In addition to the five chapters, I will try to give a broad impression of the story based on the cover, any extra chapters (such as a playlist, epigraph, etc), and the story blurb. I won't be leaving in line comments for this method, however you can still give me a few extra chapters to look at if I have the time.

This option will still feature use of constructive criticism, but I will consider it less of the focus than pointing out the vibes the story was giving me in the story thus far, any guesses I have for plot going forward, etc.

For either option, I will not accept horror submissions. I'm wimpy when it comes to getting scared. I will also not accept smut or erotica, as not only is it not my cup of tea but I'd be pretty useless offering feedback in a genre I have zero experience in. My most confident genres to review are fantasy, science fiction, and 1900s historical fiction.

I absolutely will accept fanfiction. However, snoop around my profile and keep in mind what genres/fandoms I'm mostly in. Fandoms I can offer extensive feedback in include: The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, Percy Jackson, Band of Brothers, Chronicles of Narnia, all Star Trek shows, Merlin, Chicago Fire/PD/Med, The Elder Scrolls, Legend of Zelda, and more. If you have a specific fandom you want to know if I can cover in detail, send me a PM first. 

Payment for Services:

I would really appreciate if you give me a follow, but I will not require this.

Option One - The Sandwich Method

1. Take a look at my works and engage with one of them. For example, if there's a fiction story that seems interesting, read a few chapters and leave some comments. If none of the fiction works interest you, I have a non fiction book where I occasionally post autobiographical stuff, writing advice, etc. You can request a chapter there about literally anything be it writing or something else.

2. Shout out one of my books to your followers.

3. When the review is released, leave a comment (or ten)! I do this for fun, but also because I enjoy dialoguing with writers.

Option Two - Buttered Toast Method

1. Shout out one of my books to your followers

2. When the review is released, leave a comment (or ten)! I do this for fun, but also because I enjoy dialoguing with writers. 


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