Chapter 24

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"What are you doing?" Madison asked, pulling my arm down, her wide eyes looking around.

I opened my mouth. I wanted to go there and stab him with my knife. The bastard was beckoning Cecile closer. Claire's daughter smiled and skipped towards him.

"Cecile," I said, my voice wobbly. I had to move. I had to get Cecile away from him. My feet were glued to the floor. Move, damn it!

"Cecile!" Madison called out loud.

Cecile looked at us, grinned and changed her trajectory. I turned my head when the man looked our way. I didn't know if he'd recognize me or not. I didn't want to find out. Why was I afraid of that, anyway? He should be the one afraid, not me.

"Daphie!" Cecile said with a toothy grin. "Is Markie here?"

I crouched down, picked up Cecile, and turned my back to him, facing the wall. Madison was frowning next to me. I just realized my entire body was shaking. I gritted my teeth and hugged Cecile closer. She was safe. Madison walked away.

"No, Mark's home," I said, swallowing to wet my throat. My heart was beating like a drum. I wondered if Cecile could hear it.

"Oh. He's still sick, right?" Cecile said. Her small arms around my neck were comforting. She pulled back a little to look at me with a curious frown. "Mommy said he's gonna be fine in a few weeks. When is a few weeks?"

I managed a smile. "I'll let you know."


Nathaniel. My shoulders slumped. I turned my head his way. Upon seeing his face, my earlier panic melted away, although its remnants still clung to my guts.

The way I depended on Nathaniel was dangerous, I knew. But I couldn't care less at the moment.

He was frowning, heading my way with Madison close behind.

"Is everything fine?" he asked, his eyes flickering behind me.

"I think- I think the children shouldn't be here," I whispered to him.

Understanding dawned immediately. His eyes looked furious. His head snapped around, no doubt looking for the offender.

"But why?" Cecile asked.

Nathaniel looked at her with a tight smile. "Do you want to go see Mark?"

Cecile perked up. She gave a vigorous nod. "Can I? But grandpa promised to take me to the pool tomorrow!"

"You can still go," Nathaniel said, taking her from me. Madison stood to the side, watching us with open curiosity. I must have looked like a crazy woman.

"Who?" Nathaniel asked me in a whisper, scanning the crowd. I didn't want to look behind me. But I steeled my nerves and peeked. The bastard was now speaking to a young couple, his attention on them. Nathaniel followed my gaze.

I could see he was about to curse. Instead, he turned to me. "Home?"

"The other kid," I said. "There was another kid."

"The only other child present is the Bradfords' son," Madison said, looking between Nathaniel and me. "I saw them leave earlier."

The knot in my stomach loosened. "Okay."

Nathaniel smiled at Madison. "Thank you, Miss Huang."

She nodded, still looking confused.

"Let's go home," Nathaniel said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I glanced over my shoulder at Madison. "Thank you. Good night."

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